- 19 Jul 2009
   - Times of India New Delhi Edition
   - Sukumar Mahato
   - TNN TNN

Maoists’ posters threaten to behead 9 CPM leaders

 Jhargram: A Maoist ‘people’s court’ on Saturday announced that nine CPM
members, including a prominent local leader, will be beheaded causing panic
across Jhargram town in troubled West Midnapore district of West Bengal.

Residents of Manikpara in Jhargram town woke up to see posters allegedly
pasted by Maoists on shops at Ramkrishna Bazar, which read: ‘‘ CPM netader
shighroi pantha boli dewa hobe (CPM leaders will be beheaded soon)’’. The
names of CPM’s West Midnapore district committee member Hiralal Mahato and
Manikpara local secretary Shatadal Mahato figured in the ‘death warrant’.

A Maoist ‘gana adalat’ (people’s court) held at Manikpara in Jhargram took
the decision describing it as CPI(Maoists’) day before West Bengal CM
Budhadeb Bhattacharjee’s visit to Purulia, Maoists trigerred a landmine
explosion on a railway track near Urma station. Police also recovered a
metal object wrapped with wire and a map of Bhattacharjee’s route to
Purulia. part of strategy to annihilate ‘people’s enemies.’ The development
has renewed fear among residents who had been feeling safe after security
personnel stepped into the area.

Soon after police removed all the posters from Ramkrishna Bazar, senior
district secretariat member Dahareswar Sen rushed to the spot to tell party
comrades, some of whom planning to desert CPM, not to get scared. He
expressed doubts whether these posters were put up by Maoists. ‘‘I think
it’s an attempt by opposition namely Congress and Trinamool Congress.
Maoists do not use such foul language though we are opposed to them in
theory and practice. We are not giving importance to such posters,’’ he

Despite Sen’s assurance 30 CPM members from the surrounding villages quit
CPM. ‘‘We won’t be alive if we are with CPM,’’ said Tarapada Singh, a CPM
member from Barkola. Some villages like Dharampur and Bhulka are close to
the police camps set up after the security forces ‘freed’ Dharampur PS from
Maoists. Jhargram Congress general secretary Rajesh Mahato rubbished Sen’s
allegations. ‘‘We believe in non-violence. CPM leaders are bringing baseless
charges against our activists,’’ said Mahato.

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