[Honduras is now faced with a stalemate.

Zelaya lacks the strength to overthrow the new regime installed through a
military takeover by means of popular insurrection.
The regime, already internationally ostracised, is in no position to subdue
persistent popular protests nor gain legitimacy with the world beyond.

The as yet fruitless and protracted "negotiation" is aptly reflective of
Evidently, it can't go on indefinitely.
This is an unstable equilibrium.
This is an unstable equilibrium.]


19, 2009
Mediator Proposes Reinstating Honduran LeaderBy ELISABETH

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — The mediator in talks seeking to break the deadlock
between the deposed Honduran president, Manuel
and the de facto government that exiled
both sides on Saturday to agree to a plan that would return the ousted
leader and grant a general amnesty for political offenses.

The seven points proposed by the mediator, President Óscar Arias of Costa
during a second round of negotiations at his house in the capital, San José,
would require the political elite of
recognize Mr. Zelaya as the country’s legitimate president, which they have
yet to do. Rixi Moncada, a representative of Mr. Zelaya, said Mr. Arias
proposed during the afternoon session that the ousted president be
reinstated by Friday.

The two sides ended talks at 8:45 p.m. Saturday (10:45 p.m. Eastern time)
and are to resume Sunday. The delegation for the de facto government asked
for time to consult with officials in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa.

Mr. Arias said that there were still many differences between the sides and
that he had asked them to make one last effort to be flexible.

But there appeared to be signs of movement. As the talks ended for the day,
Carlos López, a member of the delegation for the de facto government, said
he hoped that Mr. Arias could announce good news on Sunday.

Outside the negotiations, though, both sides took a combative stance,
appearing to play to their hard-line supporters.

Mr. Zelaya promised to return to Honduras soon, in defiance of promises by
the de facto government to arrest him.

The government of Roberto
who was named president by Congress after the military forced Mr. Zelaya
onto a plane to Costa Rica three weeks ago, threw up a raft of legal
objections to the idea of letting him return under an amnesty.

Although Mr. Arias’s plan would restore Mr. Zelaya, it would also sharply
curtail his powers and focus much of the country’s political energy on an
early presidential election.

Mr. Zelaya’s delegation nevertheless said it had agreed in principle to all
seven points. But one of Mr. Micheletti’s negotiators, Vilma Morales, a
former Supreme Court president, told local radio on Saturday that it was up
to the Honduran Congress, Supreme Court and election authorities to decide
on most of the points.

As the talks went on, Mr. Zelaya, who was in neighboring Nicaragua, told
Honduran radio that he might return home as soon as Monday.

His wife, Xiomara Castro, leading protesters in Tegucigalpa on Saturday,
said he would return within hours, “no matter the bayonets and machine guns”
his supporters might face.

Those statements could heighten tensions in Honduras, which has been
paralyzed by strikes and protests since the June 28 coup. Mr. Zelayatried to
fly into the Tegucigalpa
weeks ago on a small plane provided by the Venezuelan government, but
military vehicles parked on the tarmac blocked his approach. One supporter
was killed when soldiers pushed back those who had come to greet him.

As the talks began Saturday about 11 a.m., Mr. Arias warned both sides that
Honduras was facing increasing isolation. Mr. Zelaya has been recognized as
the legitimate president by the United
the Organization of American
the Obama administration.

The Arias proposal would move forward by a month the general election
scheduled for the end of November. The military would be placed under the
command of the electoral tribunal to prevent any attempt to meddle in the

Mr. Zelaya would also have to give up any attempt to rewrite the
Constitution to remain in office. It was his insistence on holding a
referendum to lay the groundwork for a new Constitution that precipitated
his ouster.

Mr. Arias’s plan would create a national unity government made up of members
of all political parties until the new elected government took office, as
scheduled, at the end of January.

The proposal does not specify that any members of the Micheletti government
would be included, which Mr. Zelaya has ruled out.

Mr. Arias’s proposal would also grant an amnesty for all political crimes
both before and after the ouster of Mr. Zelaya.

In his statement at the start of the negotiations, Mr. Arias, who won the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his role in negotiating Central American peace
accords, spoke of the weight of history in a region where the overthrow of
elected governments has frequently punctuated an uncertain transition to

If an agreement was reached, “it would be the first time in Latin American
history that a coup d’état is reversed by the will of both sides,” he said.

The Honduran coup has presented an unexpected test of Latin American policy
for the Obama administration, which has thrown its support behind the
mediation effort by Mr. Arias.

The administration has also cut $16.5 million in military aid to Honduras
since the coup and threatened to cut $180 million more in development aid.

Jesús Mora contributed reporting from San José, Costa Rica.

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