*Why India's Dalits Dont Trust The Maoists*

*By Thomas C. Mountain*


10 April, 2010

India's Dalits really, really distrust the Maoist movement of India and
Nepal. As the Maoist movement begins to challenge for state power in Nepal,
and has struck a serious level of alarm in the ruling elite in India, this
question has important ramifications for the future of south Asia.

The Dalit movement in India is the largest and fastest growing threat to the
status quo, followed at some distance by the Maoists. Interestingly, almost
all the Dalit leadership I know, mostly mid level cadre in the Bahujan Samaj
Party (BSP), India's third largest national party and main force in the
Dalit liberation movement, are ex-Maoists.

When asked why they distrust the "Naxalites", the common term for the Maoist
movement, they point out, to start, the fact that almost all the rank and
file fighters in the Maoist movement are Dalits or tribals and that almost
all the leadership are "high caste". The Dalits I know have had first hand
experience with just how casteist the "Naxalite"/Maoist leadership is.

When delving into the "political line" put forth by the Maoist movement in
India and Nepal, it is rare to find mention of caste/varna, let alone any
attempt to address caste/varna(color) in any sort of historical perspective.
It would seem that the Maoist leaders would prefer to blend class with caste
and avoid any dealing with such a potentially divisive question.

The Dalit movement exemplified by the BSP cadre I know is firmly rooted in
organizing Dalits into community collectives and focused on mobilizing
Dalits in exercising their voting rights. When it is pointed out that no
ruling class has ever peacefully relinquished their priviledges, i.e;
through elections, my Dalit comrades point out that 85% of India Dalits
still believe in the one, unifying tenent of Hinduism, varna/caste/color.
Simply put, most Dalits believe they are being punished by God for sins in a
previous life and their lot as "untouchables", Dalits, is Gods Will. If God
willed your punishment today with the promise of a better re-birth in the
next life , than trying to lift yourselfs and your childrens lot above that
of cleaning the communal toilets is going against Gods Will. Sounds like a
brilliant scheme for social control using a religion, Hinduism, in the
opinion of all the Dalits I know.

Taking into consideration just how mentally enslaved most Dalits remain,
moving the masses of Dalits from being so crushed and broken to real
liberation might take a series of steps instead of one giant leap, or so my
Dalit comrades seem to feel. Dalits may have to see for themselves that
casting a vote is not going to midwife any real liberation for the rank and
file. While acknowledging that a series of trial and error may mark their
struggle and that the Maoist scorn such an approach, Dalits feel that if the
Maoist movement continues to ignore varna/caste while still dependent on
Dalits to win power, Dalits are doomed to see their struggle for equal
rights and justice betrayed by the new Brahmins, the leaders of todays
Maoist movement.

One fact remains utterly non debatable and that is that India and Nepal
remain overwhelmingly a society of villages. Equally non debatable is that
in India and Nepal's villages, caste rules . How the Maoist movement can
hope to succeed without even addressing this issue in any real way bodes ill
for any hopes the Maoist movement offers any real solutions to the most
barbaric, inhumane system of human oppression in the world, Apartheid in
India and Nepal.

In a previous life Thomas C. Mountain was the publisher of the Ambedkar
Journal and a founding member of the Phoolan Devi International Defense
thomascmountain at yahoo dot com


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