[Friends, 72 years ago today, on August 6, at 8:15 a.m., absolute evil was
unleashed in the sky over Hiroshima. ...
This hell is not a thing of the past. As long as nuclear weapons exist and
policymakers threaten their use, their horror could leap into our present
at any moment. You could find yourself suffering their cruelty.
Civil society fully understands that nuclear weapons are useless for
national security. The dangers involved in controlling nuclear materials
are widely understood. Today, a single bomb can wield thousands of times
the destructive power of the bombs dropped 72 years ago. Any use of such
weapons would plunge the entire world into hell, the user as well as the
enemy. Humankind must never commit such an act. Thus, we can accurately say
that possessing nuclear weapons means nothing more than spending enormous
sums of money to endanger all humanity.
In July, when 122 United Nations members, not including the nuclear-weapon
and nuclear-umbrella states, adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons, they demonstrated their unequivocal determination to
achieve abolition. Given this development, the governments of all countries
must now strive to advance further toward a nuclear-weapon-free world.]


Full text of Hiroshima Peace Declaration on 72nd A-bomb anniversary

August 6, 2017 (Mainichi Japan)

HIROSHIMA (Kyodo) -- The following is the full text of the Peace
Declaration read Sunday by Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui at a ceremony to
mark the 72nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city.


Friends, 72 years ago today, on August 6, at 8:15 a.m., absolute evil was
unleashed in the sky over Hiroshima. Let's imagine for a moment what
happened under that roiling mushroom cloud. Pika -- the penetrating flash,
extreme radiation and heat. Don -- the earth-shattering roar and blast. As
the blackness lifts, the scenes emerging into view reveal countless
scattered corpses charred beyond recognition even as man or woman. Stepping
between the corpses, badly burned, nearly naked figures with blackened
faces, singed hair, and tattered, dangling skin wander through spreading
flames, looking for water. The rivers in front of you are filled with
bodies; the riverbanks so crowded with burnt, half-naked victims you have
no place to step. This is truly hell. Under that mushroom cloud, the
absolutely evil atomic bomb brought gruesome death to vast numbers of
innocent civilians and left those it didn't kill with deep physical and
emotional scars, including the aftereffects of radiation and endless health
fears. Giving rise to social discrimination and prejudice, it devastated
even the lives of those who managed to survive.

This hell is not a thing of the past. As long as nuclear weapons exist and
policymakers threaten their use, their horror could leap into our present
at any moment. You could find yourself suffering their cruelty.

This is why I ask everyone to listen to the voices of the hibakusha. A man
who was 15 at the time says, "When I recall the friends and acquaintances I
saw dying in those scenes of hell, I can barely endure the pain." Then,
appealing to us all, he asks, "To know the blessing of being alive, to
treat everyone with compassion, love and respect -- are these not steps to
world peace?"

Another hibakusha who was 17 says, "I ask the leaders of the nuclear-armed
states to prevent the destruction of this planet by abandoning nuclear
deterrence and abolishing immediately all atomic and hydrogen bombs. Then
they must work wholeheartedly to preserve our irreplaceable Earth for
future generations."

Friends, this appeal to conscience and this demand that policymakers
respond conscientiously are deeply rooted in the hibakusha experience.
Let's all make their appeal and demand our own, spread them throughout the
world, and pass them on to the next generation.

Policymakers, I ask you especially to respect your differences and make
good-faith efforts to overcome them. To this end, it is vital that you
deepen your awareness of the inhumanity of nuclear weapons, consider the
perspectives of other countries, and recognize your duty to build a world
where we all thrive together.

Civil society fully understands that nuclear weapons are useless for
national security. The dangers involved in controlling nuclear materials
are widely understood. Today, a single bomb can wield thousands of times
the destructive power of the bombs dropped 72 years ago. Any use of such
weapons would plunge the entire world into hell, the user as well as the
enemy. Humankind must never commit such an act. Thus, we can accurately say
that possessing nuclear weapons means nothing more than spending enormous
sums of money to endanger all humanity.

Peace Memorial Park is now drawing over 1.7 million visitors a year from
around the world, but I want even more visitors to see the realities of the
bombing and listen to survivor testimony. I want them to understand what
happened under the mushroom cloud, take to heart the survivors' desire to
eliminate nuclear weapons and broaden the circle of empathy to the entire
world. In particular, I want more youthful visitors expanding the circle of
friendship as ambassadors for nuclear abolition. I assure you that
Hiroshima will continue to bring people together for these purposes and
inspire them to take action.

Mayors for Peace, led by Hiroshima, now comprises over 7,400 city members
around the world. We work within civil society to create an environment
that helps policymakers move beyond national borders to act in good faith
and conscience for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

In July, when 122 United Nations members, not including the nuclear-weapon
and nuclear-umbrella states, adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons, they demonstrated their unequivocal determination to
achieve abolition. Given this development, the governments of all countries
must now strive to advance further toward a nuclear-weapon-free world.

The Japanese Constitution states, "We, the Japanese people, pledge our
national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our
resources." Therefore, I call especially on the Japanese government to
manifest the pacifism in our constitution by doing everything in its power
to bridge the gap between the nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon states,
thereby facilitating the ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons. I further demand more compassionate government assistance
to the hibakusha, whose average age is now over 81, and to the many others
also suffering mentally and physically from the effects of radiation, along
with expansion of the "black rain areas."

We offer heartfelt prayers for the repose of the atomic bomb victims and
pledge to work with the people of the world to do all in our power to bring
lasting peace and free ourselves from the absolute evil that is nuclear

Peace Is Doable

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