[Science reports are their own kind of art form, with subtle ways of
underscoring or clarifying data and politically dangerous information (the
early IPCC reports were masterpieces of not-always-deliberate scientific
obfuscation). This report is remarkable for its clarity, brevity and use of
helpful graphics. In recent decades, scientists have learned a lot about
how the earth works. But just as importantly, they have learned how to
communicate what they have learned about how the earth works.
The basics of the report are unflinching: Global and U.S. temperatures will
continue to rise, temperature and rainfall extremes are becoming more
common, oceans are rising and becoming more acidic, Alaska and the Arctic
are warming faster than anywhere. And it's not "natural cycles" that are
causing this – it's us. The money quote:
"Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities, especially the
emissions of greenhouse gases, are primarily responsible for the observed
climate changes in the industrial era. There are no alternative
explanations, and no natural cycles are found in the observational record
that can explain the observed changes in the climate."]


Revenge of the Climate Scientists
Leaked report highlights facts about climate change that all the more
critical in the Trump era

The Scherer plant in Georgia, one of the nation's top carbon dioxide
emitters. Branden Camp/AP
By Jeff Goodell

26 minutes ago

On Monday, The New York Times published a leaked climate report by
scientists from 13 federal agencies that shows, unequivocally, that the
earth is warming, the consequences will be severe, if not apocalyptic, and
humans are the cause of it. None of this is news to anyone who pays
attention to what's happening on Planet Earth. What's new is that
scientists from virtually every relevant federal agency are broadcasting
this right now, at a time when the Trump administration has pulled out of
the Paris climate agreement, pushed policies to increase coal mining on
federal lands, rolled back air pollution standards and taken direct aim at
President Obama's signature climate change achievement, the Clean Power
Plan. This report argues that climate change is not only real and happening
now, but that by denying science, lying to the American people and pushing
fossil fuels, President Trump is putting the health and stability of the
operating system of the entire planet at risk. To put it bluntly, this
report is a huge throw-down by federal scientists that challenges the most
basic fundamentals of Trump's climate denial charade.


How Scott Pruitt Is Gutting the EPA on Behalf of the Fossil-Fuel Industry
Trump's EPA chief is gutting the agency, defunding science and serving the
fossil-fuel industry
Science reports are their own kind of art form, with subtle ways of
underscoring or clarifying data and politically dangerous information (the
early IPCC reports were masterpieces of not-always-deliberate scientific
obfuscation). This report is remarkable for its clarity, brevity and use of
helpful graphics. In recent decades, scientists have learned a lot about
how the earth works. But just as importantly, they have learned how to
communicate what they have learned about how the earth works.

The basics of the report are unflinching: Global and U.S. temperatures will
continue to rise, temperature and rainfall extremes are becoming more
common, oceans are rising and becoming more acidic, Alaska and the Arctic
are warming faster than anywhere. And it's not "natural cycles" that are
causing this – it's us. The money quote:

"Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities, especially the
emissions of greenhouse gases, are primarily responsible for the observed
climate changes in the industrial era. There are no alternative
explanations, and no natural cycles are found in the observational record
that can explain the observed changes in the climate."

The report chronicles the risks of drought, increased storm activity, sea
level rise and the die-off of coral reefs, among other things. The chapter
on sea level rise (a subject near and dear to my heart) is particularly
good, offering a range of sea level rise scenarios from 1 foot to 8.2 feet
by 2100. The report frames these various scenarios with probabilistic
analysis, including analysis of that the chances that low-end scenarios
will be exceeded by real-time events (virtually 100 percent). The report
also includes regional sea level rise scenarios, explaining, for example,
why the Pacific Islands will see higher water levels than, say, Alaska.
More importantly, the report gives voice to the risk of sudden ice sheet
collapse in West Antarctica, as well as underscoring the fact that sea
level rise won't stop anytime soon, rising as much as 32 feet by 2200.

But the real eye-opener is the final chapter, "Potential Surprises:
Compound Extremes and Tipping Elements." Here, the report offers risk
assessments of various climate doomsday scenarios, from release of methane
gases in melting permafrost to the shut-down of the circulatory system of
the Atlantic Ocean. Many of these scenarios have been talked about in
mainstream science before, but it's bracing to see them all collected here
and addressed so forthrightly. These low-probablity, high-consequence
events are the fodder for doomsday climate scenarios like a recent piece in
New York magazine that caused a broad debate over just how doomed we really
are, and how that dark story should be communicated. It's bracing – and,
somehow, hopeful – to see these scenarios soberly addressed by great

In the coming weeks, it will be grimly entertaining to watch Trump, Pruitt
and the cast of clowns in the White House discredit, dance around and deny
this report. But for the moment, scientists have gotten their revenge. They
have resisted the forces of darkness and given us a sharp and true picture
of the world we are creating for ourselves, and for generations to come.
And for that, we should be grateful. It's not easy being a truth-teller in
this new world of alternative facts and fossil fuel hucksterism, but this
report is a reminder, if one is needed, that climate scientists are among
the real heroes of our time.

Peace Is Doable

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