The bars are not true lines (i.e. produced with \rule in TeX), they are characters (part of the fonts). As such, their thickness cannot simply be thickened the way the staff lines (which are true lines) are.

You should be able to hack your way around this by redefining the commands which point to the bar characters:

\GreCPDivisioMaior (<- This one is also used for divisio finalis)

You could, in theory, redefine these to use `\rule[lift]{width}{height}` instead of the characters in the font. There's probably some trial and error involved in getting the values for lift, width, and height correct though. Further, you may want to make these values depend on some of the calculated dimensions (check the internals section of GregorioRef for a list of these), so judicious use of `\noexpand` in your definitions may be in order.
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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