I haven't responded to this earlier because I haven't had time to create code to play with. It's much easier to start playing around with fixes if you include code samples which show the problem.

Indeed, I still don't have time to create code myself, but I'll give you my thoughts just so you know I am thinking about the issues raised:

On the "quoniam" issue, is this new behavior to 5.0 or is did you see the same issue in 4.2? If it's new behavior, then it may be a reflection of the new default spacing settings. Using a copy of the gsp-default.tex from 4.2 as a custom spacing configuration will allow you to revert the spacing settings. If the spacing is consistent, it might still be a matter of tweaking settings, rather than a bug. You might try playing with `spaceabovelines` (using `\grechangedim`) and `additionaltopspacethreshold` (using `\grechangecount`). If you don't want to affect whole scores, there's also `\grechangenextscorelinedim` and `grechangenextscorelinecount` for affecting a just particular set of lines in the next score.

On the placement of the flat, I would try two strategies:

1) Use polyphony. This should allow you to place the flat directly above `f` at the very least. Some spacing tweak might allow it to go over the `e`.

2) Code the flat between the `e` and the `g` and use an ad-hoc space with a negative coefficient just before the flat. The notation for and ad-hos space is `/[coefficient]` and the base unit is `interelementspace`.
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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