On Sat, 25 May 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:

> Am 25.05.2019 um 18:14 schrieb "Daniel Marín":
>> What I want is to import data from Excel files, LibreOffice files, and
>> be able to specify the row in the Excel worksheet where the names of the
>> variables are, and the row where the descriptive labels are [...]

> Right now I'm not sure what the limit for labels is. Apparently you have
> run into space constraints?

In current gretl there's no limit on the length of the descriptive 
label for a series. We made this change a couple of months (?) ago, in 
the first instance to accommodate long descriptions coming from 

(There is of course a limit of 31 bytes on names of variables, and 
that's not going to change.)

Daniel might want to consider batch conversion of Excel or ODS files 
to CSV using soffice or gnumeric. Then gretl's text processing 
facilities could be brought to bear on data files that contain 
descriptive labels as well as series names.


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