Am 01.10.2021 um 15:23 schrieb Artur T.:

Am 30.09.21 um 23:03 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
Maybe there's a case for using an integer arg similar to $pd here,
allowing values 4 and 12.

Ah, good point. I've changed the signature to

function scalar gdate_to_iso8601 (string date "Date string",
                                  string frequency[null] "Frequency of

Thus, the "frequency" string parameter is optional. If not passed, the
frequency string is determined by the underlying periodicity as
retrived by the $pd accessor.

It's good to give the user the possibility to override the default. Note
that $pd has a rather different meaning in a panel dataset. So even if
you declare the panel-time to be quarterly, $pd will give you the total
time dimension length instead. (Which IMHO is quite confusing, but it is
clearly documented.) So I think internally the function must not use $pd
if $datatype gives you 3 (panel data code) [or 0 (no data)].

But to avoid misunderstanding: The idea was that (perhaps) the frequency
arg might be changed from string to integer. But it's clearly a matter
of taste as well.


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