Am 06.10.2021 um 10:08 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
On Tue, 5 Oct 2021, Sven Schreiber wrote:

I just had to debug a script which failed with a generic "data error".
Gretl correctly indicated the failing line "k++", but it took me a while
to find out that k was undefined at that point. If the error message had
been "unknown object 'k'", it would have been much easier.

Uhm. We do catch that special case: it's the "else" branch in
undefined_symbol_error() from lib/src/genlex.c, where we store the
appropriate message string into the parser struct. The trouble is, it
doesn't get printed, for some reason.

Hm, my guess would rather be that undefined_symbol_error() isn't reached
in this post-incrementation case?

The only evidence I have, though, is that in other cases I get the
message "symbol foo is undefined" alright.


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