Am 19.11.2021 um 19:46 schrieb Rigoberto Perez Suarez:
Hello, I have been following the interesting debate on X13a and
TRAMO-SEATS, and I support the idea raised by Sven about jDemetra+.

Thanks, Rigoberto. But to avoid any misunderstanding, let me be clear
that I wasn't suggesting to port or adapt anything from JDemetra+. And
since it is a Java program, I believe it would also be a bit more
difficult to call it from gretl than it currently is to call X12/X13 or

In my opinion deseas() is extremely helpful, but it would also be
interesting to have some additional function providing for instance
the Trend-cycle component (quite useful in signal extraction or
quartering of time series).

If I understand correctly, that is what Allin's idea would do; you would
get an option to request the Trend-Cycle thing just like you can in the GUI.

@Allin and @jack, there's the complication that when you request several
series (components) as output, how should those be returned? Inside the
options bundle in pointer form? We don't want to necessitate several
redundant calls to deseas, I guess.


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