On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 4:24 AM Artur T. <ate...@posteo.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to store a model table through the modeltab command. I am
> calling the command _within_ a function. However, even though the model
> objects seem to get stored, the table will not be written to a file
> (either tex or rtf).
> Is modeltab --output="@filename" not supposed to work within a function
> for some reason or is this a bug?

From the code it looks as if use of modeltab within a function was
meant to work. I'm not sure it ever really worked -- if so, it has
been subject to bitrot. Anyway, that should now be fixed in git.

One definite result of bitrot: whether in a function or not, adding
more than one model to the table worked correctly only if (a) the
model had been given a name, as in "mname <- ols <whatever>", or (b)
the --quiet option was NOT applied to the estimation command. In other
words with no name and --quiet only one model could be put into the
table. That's now fixed in git too. (Technote: the bug here was a
result of a policy change whereby models estimated with --quiet are
not given sequential ID numbers, and gretl got the idea that you were
trying to add the same model twice.)

Allin Cottrell
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