On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 5:48 PM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schrei...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> the help text for the (relatively recent) typename() function says:  "If
> the argument does not identify an object the string null is returned." -
> But I'm actually getting an error instead of a string output, like with
> all other functions (apart from exists()). Is the help text outdated or
> the implementation buggy? Or --as always-- am I missing something?

You're not missing anything: both typeof() and typename() are failing
when given a string that's not the name of anything known to gretl.
typeof() was working in that context (returning 0) in gretl 2019a, but
apparently not for long thereafter. I'll look into this. There's
obviously something kinda fragile here, since the usual
argument-parsing mechanism has to be bypassed for such functions to
work, but it works for exists() so it should be workable for the
other, related functions.

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