Am 09.05.24 um 12:08 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
Am 09.05.2024 um 11:34 schrieb Artur T.:
Am 09.05.24 um 02:20 schrieb Cottrell, Allin:
Thanks, Helio. What you reference via the link below is my "personal"
collection of test scripts (which has evolved since then). Of course
anyone is welcome to run these tests, but I haven't made a serious
effort to make them portable for others.
Weren't those test scripts integrated into the git source tree in the meantime? Specifically, what does /unittests contain? (Not to be confused with /tests !)

In the gretl source, to be more concrete under ./gretl/unittest one can find a collection of -- as the name says -- unit-test for gretl-built functions and commands.

In the workspace under ./gretl-workspace/testgfn you can find a mechanism to download and run sample scripts.

And then there exists ./gretl/tests. But I don't know anything about this.


But what Sven and I were talking about is a bit different: it's an
apparatus for downloading all the current publicly-available gretl
function packages (.gfn or .zip files) from sourceforge, and checking
that the "sample script" inside each of the packages runs
successfully. Any failures on this test will (or should!)
automatically hold up a planned gretl release until they're fixed.

This apparatus can be found at i'll
be happy to try answering any questions you may have.
Not sure whether the workspace is open for everybody. Hélio, if you run into problems while accessing it, please tell us.

it would be useful, if we could also automatically run those sample scripts via github-actions each time a new commit gets pushed.

@Helio: Do you think, you have time to set this up on github? I could assist you if you need any help.

Yes, it would be great if this could be automated, so this would be very welcome. However, I would suggest not to trigger it on every commit, for reasons of sustainability and energy savings. Maybe once per day would be enough.

Not sure if this can be set up this way. Needs to be checked. Usually, you develop on a dev-branch, and you run the whole test-suit when or before pushing to master.

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