On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 12:39 PM Allin Cottrell <cottr...@wfu.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 24 May 2024, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> > I've come across a strange piece of code which goes more or less like this:
> >
> > <hansl>
> > open denmark
> > matrix M = zeros($nobs,2)
> > series M[1,] = ones(1,2)
> > print M
> > </hansl>
> >
> > Note the "series" specifier in the third line. I would have
> > expected an error there, but this works with the same result as if
> > "matrix" were given there. (Or nothing.) This is with gretl 2024b.
> >
> > So what's the point? I think a type mismatch error would be the
> > right thing for a statically typed language like hansl.
> It would indeed, and now that's the case in git. It was quite tricky
> to get right, since there are formulations (not this one, of course)
> that might look wrong but are quite acceptable [...]

To be more explicit: in a statement like

series LHS = RHS

LHS doesn't have to be a plain identifier; it can be a sub-object
specification. But my fix is based on the assumption that only two
gretl types can have a series as a sub-object, namely lists and
bundles. Trying to specify a sub-object of any other object type as a
series should provoke an "incompatible types" error.

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