On Sun, 16 Jun 2024, Sven Schreiber wrote:

Am 16.06.2024 um 15:00 schrieb Cottrell, Allin:
"bL" is the name of a function, not a bundle, so "bL.L" is a nonsense
string. Is the following what you meant to write?

Whoops, this happened when trying to make the example as minimal as possible.

So here's a new variation of what I'm trying to show:



function bundle embeddedlist(void)
    series x = normal()
    list L = x
    return _(L)
end function

open denmark     # just to have a dataset in place

bundle b = embeddedlist()
eval typename(b.L)     # gives "matrix"


b.L is reported as a matrix at caller level because inside a bundle it's just a vector of (putative) series ID numbers. If it turns out that there are in fact series with those ID numbers at caller level, the vector can be extracted as a list. But that's not the case here: the series "x" inside the function has ID 5 (the next number after IDE with ID 4 in the denmark dataset), and there's no series with that ID at caller level.

To make available to the caller a series newly created within a function you can return it as a series directly; or return a list containing it directly; or put it into a bundle as a series; or put it into a bundle as a column vector. (In the latter two cases the caller will have to explicitly assign the bundle member to a series.)

In principle we could modify the code that's executed when a bundle is returned, such that we automatically push to the caller any new series referenced by any lists inside the bundle. But I think that would break the encapsulation we expect of hansl functions: "Hey, this function was supposed to just return a bundle, but it's gone and dumped a bunch of series into my dataset!" (Compare the case where a function explicitly returns a list. This is obviously a desirable facility; the caller knows what they're getting.)

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