On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 10:19 PM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schrei...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Hi, in the context of a problem in the SVAR addon I've stumbled over
> what might be a bug in msplitby:
> Consider this:
> <hansl>
> matrix M = {1,2}
> matrices MM = msplitby(M, {2}) # gives invalid argument error
> print MM
> </hansl>

It seems to me the second argument is indeed erroneous here.

The doc says that if the second arg is a vector, it "must be of length
equal to the relevant (row or column) dimension of X, and should
contain integer values with a minimum of 1 and a maximum equal to the
number of matrices in the desired array." The relevant dimension is by
default the rows of M, and rows(M) is 1, which equals the length of
{2}, so the first part of the condition is satisfied. But the second
part is not satisfied, since the minimum in {2} is not 1.

This seems to be a wrongly specified corner case. Given that M has a
single row, the only vector second argument that could work here is

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