On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 6:23 AM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schrei...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
[About the GTK3-based Windows snapshot]
> I have just installed the latest incarnation from Aug 3rd. This is here
> on Win10 now. On the attached screenshot you can see that on the left of
> the main window some text and other stuff is not visible, it's beyond
> the window virtual border. This seems to be due to the workdir path; if
> that is shorter, the stuff becomes visible again. I believe that under
> GTK2 the path display is automatically shortened.

It's automatically shortened under GTK3 too, but apparently not by
enough to compensate for the somewhat narrower "main window" portion
when the console is embedded. I think this should now be fixed in
today's snapshot.

> Honoring the theme setting and/or the language setting still sometimes
> seems to require one extra restart. For example, the screenshot shows
> Adawaita (I believe), while the theme setting says Windows-10.

I've played around with that a bit and can't provoke a problem --
except when switching between the gtk2 and gtk3 versions, which is to
be expected.

> BTW, on Win11 the window edges are more rounded again, so there I
> actually even prefer the old Win-7 theme or even Adawaita over the
> Windows-10 theme. I guess a usable Windows-11 theme doesn't exist yet
> for GTK3?

I don't think so. I too find the Windows 10 theme too angular (and too
unrelievedly white), but Adwaita looks quite nice IMO.

In a subsequent post, Sven raised the business of the gtk3 build not
respecting the "Don't start another gretl instance" choice (e.g. when
gretl is already running and you double-click on a gretl script file
on the Desktop). That should now be fixed. It's not easy on Windows to
find the top-level window to which we should say, "Hey, prior gretl
instance, you take care of opening this file". That was failing under
GTK3, I guess because it sets a somewhat different set of flags on a
top-level window relative to what we were expecting with GTK2.

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