Am 15.08.2024 um 22:59 schrieb Cottrell, Allin:
On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 6:55 AM Cottrell, Allin <> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 6:25 AM Sven Schreiber
<> wrote:
Thanks, Allin, that's good to hear, because this special case (not using
the local separator) is probably not super-common.
Ah, actually I was wrong about Linux. I tested by setting LANG in the
environment and there wasn't a problem, but if I use gretl's built-in
language selection mechanism I get the same wrong behavior that I saw
on Windows. However, if the problem is not Windows-specific it should
be easier to solve.
That should now be fixed in git master and snapshots. Let me know if
you have evidence to the contrary (Yes, I know, that's a redundant

Thanks, Allin! I've now tested with the latest snapshot, tried various settings, and it looks good.

BTW/OT: With the latest GTK3 snapshot on Windows, I see there's now also a Win-11 theme, and it's looking quite nice. The GTK3 version is getting better and better. I also notice that the menus are a little transparent, which is not really necessary but still feels quite modern. Let's see in the coming weeks if there's anything that remains to be fixed there.


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