On 13/03/08 20:43:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I run exactly the same kind of script.
> I very much doubt if it matters.
> ...
> However, even if the file changes while
> groff is still reading it, I think the
> worst that would happen is that you end
> up with an output file (PS) which was
> invalid. Then gv would give you a warning
> message to that effect. If that happened,
> all you would need to do is hit "Save"
> again. Groff would re-read the file,
> re-make the PS output, and gv would
> re-read that since it is in "watch" mode.
> So you would be back on the rails.

Thanks, Ted. That makes sense. I think I may have been looking for 
reasons why such a simple concept wouldn't work.

Isn't reinventing wheels fun?

Robert Thorsby
When C++ is your hammer, everything looks like a thumb.
                -- Steven M. Haflich

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