On 24/10/16 05:52:41, Gerard Lally wrote:
Is it possible to lay out a page, as in the attached sample file, using *roff? I'm about to commit myself to learning troff and friends more thoroughly. Before I start I'd like to have a broad idea of its limitations.

I don't need a how-to, detailed or otherwise, showing the steps you'd take to produce this page in *roff. Just an idea whether or not the wizards among you on this list would consider tackling such a project with your favourite document formatter.

The short answer is Yes. Groff could reproduce this layout. Any of the frequent contributors to this list (which doesn't include me) could knock this out.

The long answer is No. There are probably "easier" applications to use, especially as most other applications can handle images that are in other than postscript format.

Would I consider tackling the illustrated page? No way, my sense of responsible typography forbids it.

BTW, I use groff for all my DTP needs (which nowadays are restricted to photography).


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