Hello alls,

I am pleased to announce you that my macro set Utmac has been ported
to Neatroff. And indeed, I must admit it is a pleasure to work with

For years, I was using Heirloom Troff, for its ability to format
paragraphs at once. Neatroff does that too, in a much more transparent
manner. To switch from Heirloom to Neatroff, all I had to do was
removing Heirloom's specifities and complexity. As a result, the code
of Utmac is now much simpler, and close to be Groff compatible.

As a side effect (which could interest Groff users), since Neatroff
does not implement nroff, Utmac is using `groff -Tutf8` to format
plain text files, as follow:
        $ groff -k -Tutf8 -mum f.tr > f.man
        $ groff -k -Tutf8 -mut f.tr > f.txt
        $ groff -k -Tutf8 -muw f.tr > f.mkd
        $ groff -k -Tutf8 -mux f.tr | postxml > f.xml
There are probably still bugs here and there, but for the most part it
works well, as can attest the Utroff html pages (http://utroff.org),
and the manual pages shipped in all Utroff archives.

I would like to be able to share some of my enthusiasm for Neatroff.
It is a wonderful troff implementation, not only for its paragraph at
once and right-to-left scriptures implementations, but also because
its source code is clear, and its installation easy. Ali Gholami Rudi
is helpful and attentive, which is a precious thing too.

People willing to have a look at Utmac can find it here:
And Neatroff is there:

Kind Regards,

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