Le 2023-12-07 à 22:35, Mike a écrit :
I was thinking of a website or web page which demonstrates the extent
of groff's capabilities.

If there isn't anything like this, currently. Has this been considered?

I have only just learned of groff. The manual is awesome (though tough
reading for me in places). groff does so much more than I first

I don't know if this aligns with the goals of the contributors, but
examples of some well-designed, finished documents might attract new
users and potential contributors.

Hello Mike,

I have a small list of documents typeset with groff with source available on the "groff examples repository" website.

The website is here : https://froude.eu/groff

You will have to scroll some to find the section labelled "Documents edited with groff". There are only 3 documents right now but they cover a lot of ground (math, dropcaps, hyperlinks, bibliography, coloured text, etc.)

Any contribution is welcome :)


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