Hi onf,

At 2024-12-02T02:26:12+0100, onf wrote:
> D'oh. I am sure I confused you even more. I meant to say either: To
> summarize, `ne` would break line if not in compatibility mode and
> called with the regular control character.
> ... or ...
>   To summarize, `ne` would NOT break line if
>     a) in compatibility mode
>     b) not in compatibility mode and called with the NO-BREAK
>        control character

Not this time--speaking for myself at least.  I managed to read right
over your error.  I find that this happens with distressing frequency in
my own writing.  If anyone is annoyed by how many typo fixes I push
after a set of commits, rest assured that I am even _more_ annoyed.
Something about the act of putting my errors out for the world to see
sharpens my ability to detect them.  While they're safe and warm in my
working copy, they hide from my brain like malevolent little insects.


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