If I may be permitted an observation.

On 4/12/24 08:08, onf wrote:
On Tue Dec 3, 2024 at 9:40 PM CET, onf wrote:
There are several approaches that come to mind.

The OP is attempting to shoehorn groff into doing something it was designed expressly *not* to do in order to avoid using well known programming that is designed to do precisely what he wants.

As I understand it (and Doug and others will correct me if I am wrong) groff was designed not to be interactive. It took, and continues to this day to take, an input file which it then processes without any intervention by the user. Of course, during the decades of its existence there have been huge developments in the syntax and structure of the input file and the arguments and options to groff itself, with the result that groff is arguably the most powerful typesetting program on the planet.

IMNSHO the OP should be looking to introduce interoperability into the creation of the input file in order to ensure that when it is fed into groff it will produce, without further ado, the output he desires.

That's how I produced my invoices. And, I suspect, that's how everyone else of this list does too.

Robert Thorsby

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