At 2024-12-15T16:22:59+0000, Deri wrote:
> It looks like it is a regression (from 1.23.0) because if I remove the
> "kludge" and change the GNU png to pdf (so it is compatible with
> running 1.23.0) it works in 1.23.0 but is wrong in current. I also
> tested using 1.23.0 groff and run the output through current gropdf
> and the result was good.

I'm not able to reproduce this problem in my working copy--the GNU head
shows up, if fuzzily--and I haven't frotzed around in the formatter
since I last pushed.

In the spirit of "nothing up my sleeve":

$ git log --oneline --reverse origin..master
ddebd0090 [doc,man]: Revise overview of "grout" syntax.
091af8f49 groff(7): Tighten wording; reduce stranding.
0c155ccb0 [chem]: Revise usage message, `argv[0]` handling.
a968507bc src/preproc/eqn/ Annotate misnomer.
5b3687ea9 [chem]: Move "chem.pic" to "tmac" directory.
a2c89fa70 refer(1): Clarify definition of '%J'.
251c61021 src/utils/indxbib/indxbib.cpp: Tweak usage msg.
879300030 src/utils/afmtodit/ Tweak usage msg.
4b3a99d64 src/utils/lkbib/lkbib.cpp: Tweak usage message.
594e9f846 [doc,man]: Tweak defn of "numeric expression".
3ccbf1b33 doc/ Tweak `mso`-related footnote.
ea3fae0f6 doc/ Correct bulleted list example.
262557916 [doc,man]: De-document file name limitation.
33090878c doc/ Clarify commands' exit status.
4f25b2f9b doc/ Tweak wording.
db49abe9e (HEAD -> master) [doc,man]: Document `-U` option's effect on `cf`.

I do notice that Peter's document comment reported a version about 500
commits behind HEAD.

Attaching my results.  I modified the exhibit to force the formatter to
disclose full version information (this requires the `-U` option).
Also, since I stored the artifacts in my "EXPERIMENTS" directory, it
expects to find the GNU head image there.

.\" pdfmom -U
.\" Build with pdfmom(1); output to pdf
.sp 6P-1v
.nr img-w 25p
.nr img-d 22p
.di img-div
.ev img-div
\X'pdf: pdfpic EXPERIMENTS/GNU-head-small.png'
.char \[img] \h'-\w'.'u'\m[white].\m[]\*[img-div]
.ds gnu \v'-\n[img-d]u'\[img]\h'\n[img-w]u'
.nop A GNU head \*[gnu] image.
.pso troff --version

Attachment: gnu-head.pdf
Description: gnu-head.pdf

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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