Hi Branden, On Tue Dec 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM CET, G. Branden Robinson wrote: > Is that a standard English word? "Sequester" is; sometimes used in > U.S. criminal procedure to refer to a process of isolating a jury during > its deliberations. I think I've also seen it in fiscal contexts. > > "sequester, sequestered, sequestering" would all be standard. > > [...] > > Hmm. "sequestration" _does_ seem standard to me, though.
>From Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, 6th ed.: se-ques-trate (also se-ques-ter) verb (law) to take control of sb's property or ASSETS until a debt has been paid -> se-ques-tra-tion noun The word has gained another meaning since this book came out in the phrase "carbon sequestration", which britannica.com defines as "the long-term storage of carbon in plants, soils, geologic formations, and the ocean." I am not sure about "sequestrated" and especially about "sequestrating", but I have added them anyway as they seem theoretically possiple and I didn't want to risk they wouldn't hyphenate correctly. > Does TeX break these? Our hyphenation patterns, including the > exceptions, come from TeX. > > If TeX doesn't handle this word, I'm inclined to advise that a document > do so itself with the `hw` request. I dunno. I don't have TeX installed. > But groff also breaks it just fine for me. > > $ hyphen sequestration > se‐ques‐tra‐tion > > $ cat ~/bin/hyphen > [...] I have modified your script into the following to be in line with the way I set up hyphenation: #!/bin/sh printf '.mso %s.tmac\n.ll 1Z\n\\&%s\n' "$1" "$2" | nroff -ww -Wbreak | sed -E '/^$/d' | tr -d '\n' && echo It hyphenates correctly, too: se‐ques‐tra‐tion However, I have a file where hyphentation is setup like this: .mso en.tmac .de HY . hy 4 .. (the macro HY is used after .nh to re-enable hyphenation.) ...and the word "sequestration" simply does not hyphenate. But when I put: .hw se-ques-tra-tion after the above requests at the top of the document, it does. I have no idea what might cause this behavior. Running groff with -ww does not reveal anything hyphenation-related. ~ onf