More information:

As the log file shows, coulomb interaction energy is shooting to nan during
equilibration where error occurs. Coulomb interaction energy during
minimization is finite.


On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Chetan Mahajan <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am testing my gromacs code using user-specified potential functions (LJ
> as well as Buckingham as non-bonded potentials). *Minimization run with
> these potentials runs fine*. However, equilibration run gives following
> error at which I am clueless. Could anyone help? Is it because total charge
> is -0.018 and not zero?
> ...........
> Non-default thread affinity set probably by the OpenMP library,
> disabling internal thread affinity
> starting mdrun 'tio2_formate'
> 1000000 steps,   1000.0 ps.
> [][error_sighandler] Caught
> error: Segmentation fault (signal 11)
> [][readline] Unexpected
> End-Of-File on file descriptor 7. MPI process died?
> [][mtpmi_processops] Error
> while reading PMI socket. MPI process died?
> [][child_handler] MPI process
> (rank: 5, pid: 122921) terminated with signal 11 -> abort job
> [][process_mpispawn_connection]
> mpispawn_0 from node c418-701 aborted: Error while reading a PMI socket (4)
> [][read_size] Unexpected
> End-Of-File on file descriptor 21. MPI process died?
> [][read_size] Unexpected
> End-Of-File on file descriptor 21. MPI process died?
> [][handle_mt_peer] Error
> while reading PMI socket. MPI process died?
> [][read_size] Unexpected
> End-Of-File on file descriptor 21. MPI process died?
> [][read_size] Unexpected
> End-Of-File on file descriptor 21. MPI process died?
> [][handle_mt_peer] Error
> while reading PMI socket. MPI process died?
> TACC: MPI job exited with code: 1
> TACC: Shutdown complete. Exiting.
> NOTE 1 [file, line 4422]:
>   System has non-zero total charge: -0.018000
>   Total charge should normally be an integer. See
>   for discussion on how close it should be to an integer.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Program grompp, VERSION 4.6.5
> Source code file:
> /work/01906/xzhu216/gromacs/source/gromacs-4.6.5/src/gmxlib/futil.c, line:
> 593
> File input/output error:
> /work/01019/cmahajan/postdoc/mapotruns/r1/eq/lnanop.gro
> ...........
> Thanks a lot!
> regards
> Chetan
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