Dear Andre, Rajat & Stephane,

thanks a lot for your light-speed suggestions!

@More Water Idea

I'll try to remove as less water as possible in my next try.

But, what bothers me is the fact, that I manually added some water after the vacuum bubble was formed and equillibrated again, which resulted in another vaccuum bubble with the same or even larger size!

From my understanding, this should not happen. Maybe I overlooked something?

@Typo in MDP

Thanks Stephane. We used a number of MDPs, we first have to check them all, if the typo was only an exception or if it was repeated several times. But we will take this into account but I fear, this is not causing the vacuum bubble - but we will check it!

By the way, we are using GMX 4.6.X - would it make sense to switch to GMX 5?

Thanks a lot & best wishes!
Manuel & Björn

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