On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Jiaqi Lin <jq...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I've reproduced runs that have different initial velocities and also
> different setups, e.g. different kinds of NPs.
> The force field is MARTINI coarse-grained force field with polarizable
> water.

OK, that's great - but are you starting from the nonbonded regime that was
used for its parametrization? If not, why not?

> The compression of lipid bilayer might because of the particular
> simulation setup in my system e.g. ion imbalance. I believe the force field
> itself has no problems with the van der Waals approximation. I can do a
> simple test and see.
> I didn't set the electrostatic regime arbitrarily. Auto-tune did it for me
> (it is set as default in 4.6.5 ),

It didn't set it arbitrarily either, it preserved the quality of the
approximation to the full electrostatics treatment (assuming no bug).

> and I didn't know it until I found out system behavior is very depend on
> the rcoulomb and I want to know how and why.

Sure - but it's not just rcoulomb, as you know.

> That's why I'm trying to control these parameters and reproduce the result
> to start. I am not cherry-picking the result, currently I'm withholding the
> results from publishing until I found out what's really going on.


> Either I have to change the model system or I have to use a total new one,
> I'll do it accordingly. But first of all I have to make sure it is not a
> problem of the code. Moreover, there are other ways (e.g. changing some
> initial conditions of the system) to observe the "interesting" result in
> "normal" simulation setup (-notunepme, Verlet).

OK, that's good to know - that suggests there's not a problem, and that
different initial conditions might just do different things.

That means I have to redo all the simulations, and that is a huge amount of
> work.
> I'll try to do the test as you suggested and see if it is a bug.

Thanks! You'd need to do the force comparisons with gmxcheck, perhaps after
creative use of trjconv so that you can compare the frames that should be


> Thank you
> Jiaqi
> On 1/22/2015 2:34 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Jiaqi Lin <jq...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>  Hi Mark
>>> Thank you for your patient reply.
>>> I've tried using the exact same set up (rcoulombic =3.258 fourierspacing
>>> =
>>> 0.325, rlist =1.4, rlistlong =3.258, rvdw=1.2) as the auto-tune of would
>>> have changed the parameters to, and still it won't reproduce the result
>>> obtained by auto-tune, just the result I tired previously using similar
>>> parameters. Therefore, I believe there is something going on in the code
>>> of
>>> auto-tune that is not what it is appear to be, or, the auto-tune change
>>> the
>>> parameters in a special way that in theory shouldn't affect simulation
>>> result but in my case the system is very sensitive to these changes. As
>>> you
>>> pointed out, the code is not straightforward, therefore much can happen
>>> at
>>> this stage. I'd very much like to figure out what going on, but spending
>>> two months on the code is not something I'm willing to do.
>> One test you can do that is straightforward is to do an auto-tuning run
>> and
>> write the final output whenever the tuning completes. That trajectory
>> should have only one frame in it. Then do a
>> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Single-Point_Energy
>> calculation on that trajectory file, using a .tpr that should match the
>> auto-tuning result. If that gave different energy components, then I think
>> that would be good evidence of a code bug. (Either way, as I've already
>> said, you should just go and use the Verlet scheme for running this system
>> on that amount of hardware...)
>>  So I think I will keep changing parameters and try to understand long
>>> range electrostatics in my system. Also, the simulation produced by
>>> auto-tune is unlikely to be a outlier. I kept changing -ntpme and when
>>> auto-tune give me rcoulombic larger than 3, I can always observe the
>>> "interesting" result.
>>>  That is suggestive of a bug. If you can also reproduce it from runs that
>> have different initial velocities, then that would be quite strong
>> evidence.
>> I also tired LJPME as you suggested for long range vdw, it compress the
>>> bilayer to a large extend.
>> What force field was that?
>>  The whole force fields has to be refined if I use LJPME, but that's
>>> another story. I think electrostatics is the main driving force in my
>>> simulation system, and I'll keep trying to figure out what really
>>> happened.
>>>  Hmm, that sounds like your model physics might be over-parameterized on
>> an
>> invalid van der Waals approximation. I'd give serious consideration to
>> reviewing its performance on other problems quite carefully. Using it only
>> in a regime and/or software package where it is thought to be valid would
>> be the standard advice.
>> Anyway, there is no way that
>> * if the model physics is correct and not over-tuned to the exact regime
>> and software that produced it, and
>> * if the GROMACS code is correct,
>> that the simulation behaviour could depend in a statistically significant
>> way on the tuning or -npme choice. Those values do not enter the model
>> physics.
>> Just changing electrostatics regimes arbitrarily and cherry-picking some
>> of
>> the results to analyse is going to get questions raised about your work -
>> either the model physics is not robust enough to use on your system, or
>> the
>> software is wrong, or you're ignoring valid behaviour because something
>> else looks more interesting.
>> Mark
>>  Best
>>> Jiaqi
>>> On 1/20/2015 7:18 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Jiaqi Lin <jq...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>>>   Hi Szilard,
>>>>> - I've tired 5.0.1 and it gives the same result. So 4.6.7 or 5.0.4 is
>>>>> better, but in what way?
>>>>> - I've tired Verlet scheme and it gives small change of cutoff and
>>>>> grid.
>>>>> But what I really interested is to manually reproduce the result that
>>>>> tune_pme give me in the first case using Group scheme.
>>>>>   If that's the only situation you can observe it, it could be an
>>>>> outlier
>>>> or
>>>> your method could be unsuitable...
>>>>   - I've also tired lincs-roder=4 and it makes no difference.
>>>>> - My Fourier spacing is 25% finer, but that shouldn't affect the
>>>>> results
>>>>> right? if it do affect the results, then I want to find out how.
>>>>>   It affects your results because you could do some more sampling with
>>>>> the
>>>> computer time you are spending on PME at the moment. Where to choose
>>>> your
>>>> balance of model quality vs amount of sampling is poorly understood, and
>>>> problem-dependent.
>>>> - I happen to use the PP/PME rank split (100+28) and it gives me
>>>>  interesting results (speed of performance is not bad actually). Then
>>>>> I'm
>>>>> very interested in how these cutoff and grid setting can affect my
>>>>> simulation results.
>>>>>  If the implementation and model is right, then they have no effect.
>>>> That's
>>>> why we auto-tune with them. You're going to need a lot of replicates to
>>>> show that -npme 28 gives a statistically different result from a
>>>> different
>>>> value, and you won't yet have established that it's somehow a more valid
>>>> observation to pursue.
>>>> So I tried to manually control the parameter (turning off tune_PME). But
>>>> no
>>>>  matter how I tired, I can not reproduce the result given by tune_pme.
>>>>> So
>>>>> my
>>>>> biggest question is, how does tune_PME implemented in the code? What
>>>>> parameters does it actually tuned?
>>>>>   Like it says, it varies rcoulomb and the Fourier grid, keeping rvdw
>>>>> and
>>>> beta fixed. Details of how rlist and rlistlong behave are a bit messy,
>>>> but
>>>> nothing you asked for is ever missed out.
>>>>   - When PME tuned the cutoff to such large value, the speed does not
>>>> goes
>>>>> down noticeably. So what I suspect is that tune_PME
>>>>>  Please be careful with names. gmx tune_pme is a different thing from
>>>> the
>>>> mdrun auto-tuning.
>>>>   does the direct space calculation without changing the neighbor list
>>>>> search distance.
>>>>>   Your auto-tuned run number 1 had rlist = rcoulomb at the start, so
>>>>> mdrun
>>>> knows you wanted a PME model with an unbuffered list whose size equals
>>>> rcoulomb, and a buffered VDW model with rlist 1.4 and rvdw 1.2. Thus,
>>>> rlistlong will stay equal to rcoulomb as it changes. The details and
>>>> code
>>>> are horrible, though, and I am looking forward to nothing so much as
>>>> ripping it all out in about 2 months!
>>>> And like Szilard suggested, your runs are probably a long way from
>>>> maximum
>>>> throughput. Aim for lots of sampling, don't chase replicating rare
>>>> events
>>>> with brute-force simulation!
>>>> Mark
>>>> Thank you
>>>>  Best
>>>>> Jiaqi
>>>>> On 1/20/2015 3:54 PM, Szilárd Páll wrote:
>>>>>   Not (all) directly related, but a few comments/questions:
>>>>>> - Have you tried 4.6.7 or 5.0.4?
>>>>>> - Have you considered using the Verlet scheme instead of doing manual
>>>>>> buffering?
>>>>>> - lincs-order=8 is very large for 2fs production runs - typically 4 is
>>>>>> used.
>>>>>> - Your fourier spacing is a lot (~25%) finer than it needs to be.
>>>>>> - The PP/PME rank split of 100+28 is _very_ inconvenient and it is the
>>>>>> main cause of the horrible PME performance together with the overly
>>>>>> coarse grid. That's why you get such a huge cut-off after the PP-PME
>>>>>> load balancing. Even if you want to stick to these parameters, you
>>>>>> should tune the rank split (manually or with tune_pme).
>>>>>> - The above contributes to the high neighbor search cost too.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Szilárd
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 9:18 PM, Jiaqi Lin <jq...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>   Hi Mark,
>>>>>>> Thanks for reply. I put the md.log files in the following link
>>>>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d1d2fbwreizr974/
>>>>>>> AABYhSRU03nmijbTIXKKr-rra?dl=0
>>>>>>> There are four log files
>>>>>>>     1.GMX 4.6.5 -tunepme (the coulombic cutoff is tuned to 3.253)
>>>>>>>     2.GMX 4.6.5 -notunepme  rcoulomb= 3.3 , fourierspace = 0.33
>>>>>>>     3.GMX 4.6.5 -notunepme  rcoulomb= 3.3 , fourierspace = 0.14
>>>>>>>     4.GMX 4.6.5 -notunepme  rcoulomb= 1.4 , fourierspace = 0.14
>>>>>>> Note that the LR Coulombic energy in the first one is almost twice
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>> of that in the second one, whereas the grid spacing in both cases are
>>>>>>> nealy
>>>>>>> the same.
>>>>>>> Only the first one gives a strong electrostatic interaction of a
>>>>>>> nanoparticle with a lipid bilayer under ionic imbalance. In other
>>>>>>> cases
>>>>>>> I do
>>>>>>> not observe such a strong interaction.
>>>>>>> GMX 5.0.1 give the same results as GMX 4.6.5 using Group cutoff.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Jiaqi
>>>>>>> On 1/19/2015 3:22 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
>>>>>>>   On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Jiaqi Lin <jq...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>    Dear GMX developers,
>>>>>>>>  I've encounter a problem in GROMACS concerning the auto-tuning
>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> PME that bugged me for months. As stated in the title, the
>>>>>>>>> auto-tuning
>>>>>>>>> feature of mdrun changed my coulomb cutoff from 1.4 nm to ~3.3 nm
>>>>>>>>> (stated
>>>>>>>>> in md.log) when I set -npme to be 28 (128 total CPU cores), and
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> giving
>>>>>>>>> me interesting simulation results. When I use -notunepme, I found
>>>>>>>>> Coulomb
>>>>>>>>> (SR) and recip. giving me same energy but the actual simulation
>>>>>>>>> result
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> different. This i can understand: scaling between coulombic
>>>>>>>>> cut-off/grid
>>>>>>>>> size theoretically give same accuracy to electrostatics (according
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> GMX
>>>>>>>>> manual and PME papers), but there actually some numerical error due
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> grid
>>>>>>>>> mapping and even if the energy is the same that does not mean
>>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>>> configuration has to be the same (NVE ensemble: constant energy,
>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>> configuration).
>>>>>>>>>    Total electrostatic energy should be approximately the same with
>>>>>>>>>  different
>>>>>>>> PME partitions.
>>>>>>>>    However the thing i don't understand is the following. I am
>>>>>>>> interested
>>>>>>>>  in
>>>>>>>>> the result under large coulomb cut-off, so I try to manually set
>>>>>>>>> cut-off
>>>>>>>>> and grid space with -notunepme, using the value tuned by mdrun
>>>>>>>>> previously.
>>>>>>>>> This give me complete different simulation result, and the energy
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>> different. I've tried to set rlist, rlistlong, or both to equal
>>>>>>>>> rcoulomb
>>>>>>>>> (~3.3) still does not give me the result produced by auto-tuning
>>>>>>>>> PME.
>>>>>>>>>   In what sense is the result different?
>>>>>>>>    In addition, simulation speed dramatically reduces when I set
>>>>>>>> rcoulomb
>>>>>>>>  to
>>>>>>>>> be ~3.3 (using -tunepme the speed remains nearly the same no matter
>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>> large the cutoff is tuned to). I've tested this in both GMX 4.6.5
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> 5.0.1, same thing happens, so clearly it's not because of versions.
>>>>>>>>> Thus
>>>>>>>>> the question is: what exactly happened to PME calcualtion using the
>>>>>>>>> auto-tuning feature in mdrun, why it does give different results
>>>>>>>>> when I
>>>>>>>>> manually set the coulomb cutoff and grid space to the value tuned
>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>> mdrun
>>>>>>>>> without the auto-tuning feature (using -notunepme)? Thank you for
>>>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>>>>>    For the group scheme, these should all lead to essentially the
>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>  result
>>>>>>>> and (if tuned) performance. If you can share your various log files
>>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>> file-sharing service (rc 1.4, rc 3.3, various -tunepme settings,
>>>>>>>> 4.6.5
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> 5.0.1) then we can be in a position to comment further.
>>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>>>    additional info: I use Group cutoff-scheme , rvdw is  1.2.
>>>>>>>>       md.log file:
>>>>>>>>> DD  step 9 load imb.: force 29.4%  pme mesh/force 3.627
>>>>>>>>> step   30: timed with pme grid 280 280 384, coulomb cutoff 1.400:
>>>>>>>>> 1026.4
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step   50: timed with pme grid 256 256 324, coulomb cutoff 1.464:
>>>>>>>>> 850.3
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step   70: timed with pme grid 224 224 300, coulomb cutoff 1.626:
>>>>>>>>> 603.6
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step   90: timed with pme grid 200 200 280, coulomb cutoff 1.822:
>>>>>>>>> 555.2
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  110: timed with pme grid 160 160 208, coulomb cutoff 2.280:
>>>>>>>>> 397.0
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  130: timed with pme grid 144 144 192, coulomb cutoff 2.530:
>>>>>>>>> 376.0
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  150: timed with pme grid 128 128 160, coulomb cutoff 2.964:
>>>>>>>>> 343.7
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  170: timed with pme grid 112 112 144, coulomb cutoff 3.294:
>>>>>>>>> 334.8
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> Grid: 12 x 14 x 14 cells
>>>>>>>>> step  190: timed with pme grid 84 84 108, coulomb cutoff 4.392:
>>>>>>>>> 346.2
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  190: the PME grid restriction limits the PME load balancing
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> coulomb cut-off of 4.392
>>>>>>>>> step  210: timed with pme grid 128 128 192, coulomb cutoff 2.846:
>>>>>>>>> 360.6
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  230: timed with pme grid 128 128 160, coulomb cutoff 2.964:
>>>>>>>>> 343.6
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  250: timed with pme grid 120 120 160, coulomb cutoff 3.036:
>>>>>>>>> 340.4
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  270: timed with pme grid 112 112 160, coulomb cutoff 3.253:
>>>>>>>>> 334.3
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  290: timed with pme grid 112 112 144, coulomb cutoff 3.294:
>>>>>>>>> 334.7
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>> step  310: timed with pme grid 84 84 108, coulomb cutoff 4.392:
>>>>>>>>> 348.0
>>>>>>>>> M-cycles
>>>>>>>>>                   optimal pme grid 112 112 160, coulomb cutoff
>>>>>>>>> 3.253
>>>>>>>>> DD  step 999 load imb.: force 18.4%  pme mesh/force 0.918
>>>>>>>>> At step 1000 the performance loss due to force load imbalance is
>>>>>>>>> 6.3
>>>>>>>>> %
>>>>>>>>> NOTE: Turning on dynamic load balancing
>>>>>>>>>                Step           Time         Lambda
>>>>>>>>>                1000       20.00000        0.00000
>>>>>>>>>        Energies (kJ/mol)
>>>>>>>>>                Bond       G96Angle        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)
>>>>>>>>>   Coul.
>>>>>>>>> recip.
>>>>>>>>>         1.98359e+05    1.79181e+06   -1.08927e+07   -7.04736e+06
>>>>>>>>> -2.32682e+05
>>>>>>>>>      Position Rest.      Potential    Kinetic En.   Total Energy
>>>>>>>>> Temperature
>>>>>>>>>         6.20627e+04   -1.61205e+07    4.34624e+06   -1.17743e+07
>>>>>>>>> 3.00659e+02
>>>>>>>>>      Pressure (bar)   Constr. rmsd
>>>>>>>>>         2.13582e+00    1.74243e-04
>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>> Jiaqi
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Jiaqi Lin
>>>>>>>>> postdoc fellow
>>>>>>>>> The Langer Lab
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gromacs Users mailing list
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>>>>>>>>>    --
>>>>>>>>>  Jiaqi Lin
>>>>>>> postdoc fellow
>>>>>>> The Langer Lab
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>   --
>>>>>> Jiaqi Lin
>>>>> postdoc fellow
>>>>> The Langer Lab
>>>>> David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
>>>>> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>>>> --
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>>>>>  --
>>> Jiaqi Lin
>>> postdoc fellow
>>> The Langer Lab
>>> --
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> --
> Jiaqi Lin
> postdoc fellow
> The Langer Lab
> David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> --
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