Dear gromacs users,
I’m planing to perform several CG simulations of different biological membranes 
in the presence of an specific protein.
In order to create the membranes, i’m currently using the insane script to make 
different kind of mixture (POPC alone, POPC-MGDG 5:5, POPC-SQDG 5:5, and 
POPC-DGDG 5.5) as following:
./ -f minimization-vaccum.gro -o system.gro -pbc square -dm 5 -box 
10,10,10 -l DGDG:5 -l POPC:5  -sol W -orient
The problem arise when i tried to add ions in order to create a net charge in 
the last mixture membrane (POPC-DGDG), using the following command line:
grompp -f ions.mdp -c system.gro -p -o ions.tpr

Getting the following warning message:

Warning: atom name 177 in and system.gro does not match (GA1 - GB2)

Warning: atom name 178 in and system.gro does not match (GA2 - GB3)

Warning: atom name 179 in and system.gro does not match (GA3 - GB1)

Warning: atom name 180 in and system.gro does not match (GB1 - GA1)

Warning: atom name 181 in and system.gro does not match (GB2 - GA2)

Warning: atom name 182 in and system.gro does not match (GB3 - GA3)

(more than 20 non-matching atom names)

Looking into the .itp file (martini_v2.0_glycolipids.itp) i found that the 
atoms GA1, GA2, GA3, GB1, GB2 and GB3 are described in a different order 
between the *itp file and the *gro file  (where first is described the GB2 
atom, followed by GB3, GB1, GA1,GA2 and finally GA3) created by insane script.

My question is, it is ok if i just change the order in the *itp file, to make 
it identical as the one found in the *gro file? If not, what should i do in 
order to avoid any kind of issue during the simulation?. Thanks in advance

Best regards,


Carlos Navarro Retamal
Bioinformatics Engineering
Ph. D (c) Applied Sciences.
Center of Bioinformatics and Molecular Simulations. CBSM
University of Talca
Av. Lircay S/N, Talca, Chile
T: (+56) 712201 798
E: or

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