yes, i used the Minoia tutorial,
i use a cnt_oplsaa at the first attempt, and forward i copied and modify the standard oplsaa folder. with both of them i have the same trouble.

The inizial graphene layer was created using*VMD modelling toolbox*, that was a .pdb file, i convert it in .gro file using *editconf *command. i open the gro file using Avogadro, and it is still a layer. But in the gro file the connections are loose.
here  i report the firt 5 rows of the graphene.gro file.

    1GRA      C    1   0.000   0.000   0.000
    2GRA      C    2  -0.123   0.071   0.000
    3GRA      C    3  -0.123   0.213   0.000
    4GRA      C    4   0.000   0.284   0.000
    5GRA      C    5   0.246   0.000   0.000


Il 22/04/2015 19:46, Alex ha scritto:

The forcefields for CNT and graphene are identical (for the purpose of
this discussion). Two questions:

1. Where did you get the initial graphene structure?
2. Are there any CONECT statements in it?

I assume you used Andrea Minoia's guide and the contents of your
cnt2_oplsaa.ff directory correspond to what he's got.


MC> Hi,
MC> i am trying to model a Graphene nano sheet GNS on Gromacs-
MC> I follow the advices about the nanotubes presented in the help site.

MC> _

MC> I run this command to greate the topology:
MC> _g_x2top -f graphene.gro -o -ff cnt2_oplsaa_

MC> I got this error message:

MC> GROMACS:      gmx x2top, VERSION 5.0.4
MC> Executable:   /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
MC> Library dir:  /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top
MC> Command line:
MC>    g_x2top -f graphene.gro -o -ff cnt2_oplsaa

MC> Opening force field file
MC> /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/cnt2_oplsaa.ff/atomnames2types.n2t
MC> Opening force field file
MC> /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/cnt2_oplsaa.ff/name_topology.n2t
MC> There are 12 name to type translations in file cnt2_oplsaa.ff
MC> Generating bonds from distances...
MC> atom 112
MC> There are 1 different atom types in your sample
MC> Generating angles and dihedrals from bonds...
MC> segmentazion fault (core dump created)

MC> Someone can help me on this?
MC> The graphene force field for nanolayer is the same for nanotube? There
MC> is something that i have to change?

MC> bests

MC> --
MC> Marcello Cammarata, Ph.D.
MC> 3208790796

Marcello Cammarata, Ph.D.

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