I have a two peptide system with  my second chain B having as part of its 
topology file (and sequence) a Zinc ion. That is, the Zinc ion is literally 
part of the chain so, that when I generate my itp files using pdb2gmx I get 
topol_proteinA.itp, topol_proteinB.itp (i.e. no topol_Ion.itp)...I do this 
because the distance restraint I want is between the Zinc and its coordinated 
sulfur atoms. I believe I need the Zn and the Cys SG atoms part of the same 
molecule...here, chainB.

I have read the distance restraint info. in the manual 4.5.4; however, I am 
still unsure about how to implement it. I have gotten to the point where I use 
genrestr to generated the  itp file having the distance restraint matrix. Now, 
when I #include this (restraint) file in the topology.top or in the 
topol_proteinB.itp, I get an error saying that the restraint file is in the 
wrong location when I use the grompp to make a tpr file.....I have also place 
in "disre_fc = 1000" in my mdp file....
Can someone be explicit about what  I am doing wrong...I did get the "position 
restraint" to work, but am having trouble here.....

Thanks, Steve

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