On 7/14/15 10:33 PM, Carlos Navarro Retamal wrote:
Dear gmx users,
In an attempt to analyse the interaction between a Protein and a Bilayer (in a 
CG MD simulations) i’m using gmx distance as following:
gmx distance -f DFMG-200ns.xtc -s DFMG-200ns.tpr -n index.ndx -select 'com of group 
"Protein" plus com of group "Membranes"' -oall distance.xvg.
By analysing the CONTACTS between both macromolecules i now that the protein 
interact peripherally with the membrane (moving from the aqueous solution to 
the membrane), by interacting with the head group of the bilayer. My problem is 
that, contrary to what i might imagine, base on the ‘distance’  analysis i’m 
seeing that the distance between the molecules increase during time:
       0.000    4.062
     100.000    3.952
     200.000    3.768
     300.000    3.576
     400.000    3.422
     500.000    3.526
     600.000    3.561
     700.000    3.619
     800.000    3.643
     900.000    3.682

  199100.000    5.347
  199200.000    5.244
  199300.000    5.273
  199400.000    5.410
  199500.000    5.369
  199600.000    5.275
  199700.000    5.415
  199800.000    5.525
  199900.000    5.557
  200000.000    5.441

I tried using the -pbc flag (when i used gmx distance) without luck (i got the 
same values as before).
What could be the reason?

Because only the vertical dimension (presumably z here in the case of a membrane) is relevant. The protein can still be peripherally associated at a "corner" of the box, which would have a large COM distance but small z component, indicating binding. Use -oxyz instead of -oall.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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