
Your job scheduler and/or MPI launcher is most likely to blame. The fact
that mdrun warns about the logical core (hardware thread) mismatch means
that the OpenMP runtime thinks that you should be using one thread per
rank. This typically means that the MPI launcher or job scheduler set an
affinity mask for each rank and likely mdrun also skipped pinning threads
because of this.

This should however alone not cause nodes to be empty, but rather it would
cause ranks to overlap and run on the same core.

In any case, you should pass the correct ranks/node threads/rank settigns
to your launchers; to ensure correct rank placement you'll have to either
set up affinities through the scheduler or let mdrun do it.


On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Chunlei ZHANG <chunleizhang....@gmail.com>

> Dear GMX developers and users,
> I have a cluster of 24 nodes, each having two 10-core intel CPUs.
> Gromacs 5.1 is compiled by using intel mpi (version 5.1.1) and mkl.
> I can successfully run a simulation by using pure MPI (480 MPI processes).
> But the performance is not good and the log file of mdrun suggests using
> fewer MPI processes.
> I try to launch 240 MPI processes, each using 2 openMP threads, by the
> command:
> mpirun -ppn 20 -np 240 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 2
> But only a fraction of the nodes are running mdrun and the log file says:
> Number of logical cores detected (20) does not match the number reported by
> OpenMP (1).
> Consider setting the launch configuration manually!
> Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Chunlei
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