Hello users
I am doing protein-ligand MD using Gromos 43A1 and GROMACS 5.0. Therefore, 
following Justin's tutorial, I used PRODRG for ligand topolgy. I have drawn 
ligand using chemdraw and minimized the structure using chem3D. However, during 
energy minimization step in gromacs, the values converge earlier after 490 
steps of minimization. This means that structure is not energy minimized 
properly. Also, during NVT, it crashes very early giving a LINCS warning which 
is posted frequently in mailing list and the 'water' molecule not settled 
error. I have gone through all the solutions and according to my knowledge, the 
problem is with minimization. I am confused now how to minimize the structure 
properly to avoid the error. The long bond warning might also arise due to bad 
minimization? Any suggestions please. If require I can paste the ligand 

With Regards
Sent from my iPhone
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