Dear Dr. Justin,

Thanks for the reply. Following is the whole .rtp file i used. ( As you
said it was generated by using PRODRG)

[ bondedtypes ]
; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14 RemoveDih
  1      1       3          1

[ MD ]
 [ atoms ]
CAY opls_135 0 1
CAX opls_135 0.048 2
CAW opls_135 0.047 2
CAV opls_135 0.144 2
OAU opls_154 -0.112 2
CAS opls_131 0.219 2
OAT opls_236 -0.41 2
NAO opls_900 0.073 2
HAO opls_250 -0.009 2
CAE opls_260 0.056 3
CAF opls_145 -0.018 3
HAF opls_140 0.004 3
CAA opls_145 -0.018 3
HAA opls_140 0.004 3
CAD opls_145 -0.018 3
HAD opls_140 0.004 3
CAC opls_145 -0.018 3
HAC opls_140 0.004 3
CAB opls_145 -0.022 4
CAG opls_071 0.044 4
CAH opls_145 -0.022 4
CAM opls_145 -0.008 5
HAM opls_140 0.008 5
CAL opls_145 -0.008 6
HAL opls_140 0.008 6
CAI opls_145 -0.008 7
HAI opls_140 0.008 7
CAJ opls_145 -0.008 8
HAJ opls_140 0.008 8
CAK opls_145 0.072 9
NAN opls_900 0.072 9
HAN opls_250 -0.009 9
CAP opls_131 0.214 9
OAQ opls_236 -0.419 9
OAR opls_154 -0.115 9
CAZ opls_135 0.14 9
CBA opls_135 0.045 9
CBB opls_135 0.01 10
CBC opls_135 -0.01 10
HA1 opls_140 -0.013 1
HA2 opls_140 -0.013 1
HA3 opls_140 -0.014 1
HAZ opls_140 -0.013 1
HA0 opls_140 -0.013 1
HAX opls_140 -0.013 1
HAY opls_140 -0.013 1
HAV opls_140 -0.013 1
HAW opls_140 -0.013 1
HAG opls_140 -0.013 1
HAH opls_140 -0.013 1
HA4 opls_140 -0.013 1
HA5 opls_140 -0.013 1
HBA opls_140 -0.013 1
HBB opls_140 -0.013 1
HBC opls_140 -0.013 1
HBD opls_140 -0.013 1
HBF opls_140 -0.013 1
HBG opls_140 -0.013 1
HBE opls_140 -0.013 1
 [ bonds ]
     CAY HA1
     CAY HA2
     CAY HA3
     CAX CAY
     CAX HAZ
     CAX HA0
     CAX CAW
     CAW HAX
     CAW HAY
     CAW CAV
     CAV HAV
     CAV HAW
     CAV OAU
     CAS OAU
     CAS OAT
     CAS NAO
     NAO HAO
     CAE NAO
     CAE CAF
     CAE CAD
     CAF HAF
     CAF CAA
     CAA HAA
     CAB CAA
     CAD HAD
     CAD CAC
     CAC HAC
     CAB CAC
     CAB CAG
     CAG HAG
     CAG HAH
     CAH CAG
     CAH CAM
     CAH CAI
     CAM HAM
     CAM CAL
     CAL HAL
     CAK CAL
     CAI HAI
     CAI CAJ
     CAJ HAJ
     CAK CAJ
     CAK NAN
     NAN HAN
     CAP NAN
     CAP OAQ
     CAP OAR
     CAZ OAR
     CAZ HA4
     CAZ HA5
     CAZ CBA
     CBA HBA
     CBA HBB
     CBA CBB
     CBB HBC
     CBB HBD
     CBB CBC
     CBC HBF
     CBC HBG
     CBC HBE

ffbonded.itp file modified with the relevant bonds as below (part has
mentioned below)

CAY   HA1     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
  CAY   HA2     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
  CAY   HA3     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
  CAX   CAY     1    0.15220   265265.6   ;
  CAX   HAZ     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;

I know atom name is irrelevant but im bit confused how to write .rtp
without names for my 59 atom molecule.


On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 10:09 PM, Justin Lemkul <> wrote:

> On 9/18/16 12:30 PM, Sameer Edirisinghe wrote:
>> Dear users,
>> There is one thing i cannot clarify from gromacs manual which is about
>> following error occurred while running grompp
>> Fatal error:
>> Unknown bond_atomtype CAY
>>  I used to create .rtp file from atom types which are already defined in
>>  atomtype.atp file. But still above error occurring while running grompp.
>> Not sure should i add again thes atoms to atp file and if so how to add
>> them. Part of my rtp file is as below, I have modified the ffbonded.itp
>> (only bond types added) successfully.
> What did you add to ffbonded.itp?  Whatever it was is causing an error.
> Based on the .rtp entry below, it looks like you tried to use atom names in
> ffbonded.itp.  That's not right.  All interactions (bonded and nonbonded)
> are defined by atom type.  The name is irrelevant.  If you're re-using only
> OPLS-AA atom types, most of the bonded interactions should be present
> already.
> [ bondedtypes ]
>> ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14 RemoveDih
>>   1      1       3          1
> You're missing entries here if you're trying to create an OPLS-derived
> force field.  Look at oplsaa.ff/aminoacids.rtp
> ; MDI
>> [ MD ]
>>  [ atoms ]
>> CAY opls_135  0.000  1
>> CAX opls_135  0.048 2
>> CAW opls_135  0.047 2
>> CAV opls_135  0.144 2
>> OAU opls_154 -0.112 2
> This can't possibly be right.  You've defined only heavy atoms (OPLS-AA is
> an all-atom force field, so there should be H) and the net charge of this
> residue is +0.117, which is physical nonsense.  Based on the names and
> suspect charges, it looks like you're just porting over a PRODRG
> united-atom topology and trying to call it OPLS-AA.  That's not going to
> work.
> Note that you also need [bonds] if you want the residue to actually be
> chemically reasonable, otherwise it's just a collection of atoms sitting
> near one another, which will immediately explode if you try to run a
> simulation.
> -Justin
> --
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> | (410) 706-7441
> ==================================================
> --
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