Hi Qasim,

> On 11 Jan 2017, at 20:29, Qasim Pars <qasimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Carsten,
> Thanks. The forward state simulations works properly with mdrun -ntmpi 8
> -ntomp 2 or mdrun -ntmpi 4  -ntomp 4 as you suggested.
> For the backward state GROMACS still gives too many lincs warning error
> with those mdrun commands in the md step, indicating the system is far from
> equilibrium. I used the below free energy parameters with the em, nvt, npt
> and md steps for the backward state (fast growth). And to keep the ligand
> in the active site of protein I use some restraints under the
> intermolecular_interactions in the top file as I told in my previous email.
> free-energy              = yes
> init-lambda              = 1
> delta-lambda             = 0
> sc-alpha                 = 0.3
> sc-power                 = 1
> sc-sigma                 = 0.25
> sc-coul                  = yes
> couple-moltype           = ligand
> couple-intramol          = no
> couple-lambda0           = vdw-q
> couple-lambda1           = none
> nstdhdl                  = 100
> My questions:
> 1) Do you think that I should use the above free energy paramaters in all
> MD steps (em, nvt, npt and md)?
I think you want them only in the MD part.

> 2) The structure seems fine before arising the lincs warning. First linc
> warning belongs to protein atoms (not ligand atoms). However the ligand
> doesn't move out of the active site. Maybe the following mdp file for the
> md step is not correct or the backward state simulation of a complex
> structure is something impossible with GROMACS?
It should work in both directions. 
Why is your delta-lambda zero in your snippets?

> 3) Maybe the intermolecular_interactions section and couple- flags don't
> turn off intramolecular interactions of the ligand and turn on state B?
> 4) How can I get rid of the linc warnings in the md step?
How many LINCS warnings do you get?
Does you system blow up?


> #md.mdp:
> integrator   = sd
> nsteps       = 50000000
> dt           = 0.002
> comm-mode    = Linear
> nstcomm      = 100
> nstxout-compressed        = 500
> compressed-x-precision    = 1000
> nstlog                    = 500
> nstenergy                 = 500
> nstcalcenergy             = 100
> constraint_algorithm   = lincs
> constraints            = all-bonds
> lincs_iter             = 1
> lincs_order            = 4
> lincs-warnangle        = 30
> continuation           = no
> cutoff-scheme    = verlet
> ns-type          = grid
> nstlist          = 20
> pbc              = xyz
> coulombtype      = PME
> rcoulomb         = 1.0
> ewald_geometry   = 3d
> pme-order        = 4
> fourierspacing   = 0.12
> vdwtype         = Cut-off
> rvdw            = 1.0
> rvdw-switch     = 0.9
> DispCorr        = EnerPres
> ; TEMPERATURE COUPLING (SD - Langevin dynamics)
> tc_grps    =  Protein ligand
> tau_t      =  1.0 1.0
> ref_t      =  298.15 298.15
> pcoupl           = Parrinello-Rahman
> pcoupltype       = isotropic
> tau_p            = 2
> ref_p            = 1.0
> compressibility  = 4.5e-05
> gen_vel      = yes
> gen_seed     = -1
> gen_temp     = 298.15
> free-energy              = yes
> init-lambda              = 1
> delta-lambda             = 0
> sc-alpha                 = 0.3
> sc-power                 = 1
> sc-sigma                 = 0.25
> sc-coul                  = yes
> couple-moltype           = ligand
> couple-intramol          = no
> couple-lambda0           = vdw-q
> couple-lambda1           = none
> nstdhdl                  = 100
> Thanks in advance.
> On 11 January 2017 at 10:49, Kutzner, Carsten <ckut...@gwdg.de> wrote:
>> Dear Qasim,
>> those kinds of domain decomposition 'errors' can happen when you
>> try to distibute an MD system among too many MPI ranks. There is
>> a minimum cell length for each domain decomposition cell in each
>> dimension, which depends on the chosen cutoff radii and possibly
>> other inter-atomic constraints. So this is normally just a technical
>> limitation and not a problem with the MD system.
>> You can do the following steps to circumvent that issue:
>> a) use less ranks (at the domain decomposition limit, the parallel
>>   efficiency suffers anyway)
>> b) use separate PME ranks, so that you get less and larger domains
>>   on the MPI ranks that do domain decomposition
>>   (use mdrun -nt 20 -npme 4 ... for example, you will have to try
>>   around a bit with the exact number of PME ranks for optimal
>>   performance - or use the gmx tune_pme tool for that!)
>> c) In case you haven't done so already, compile GROMACS with
>>   MPI *and* OpenMP. Then, by using MPI domain decomposition plus
>>   OpenMP parallelism within each MPI rank, you will be
>>   able to use more cores in parallel even for smaller MD systems.
>>   Use mdrun -ntmpi 10 -ntomp 2 for 10 ranks * 2 threads or
>>       mdrun -ntmpi 4  -ntomp 5 for 4 ranks * 5 threads
>>   With real MPI, you would use something like
>>   mpirun -np 10 gmx mdrun -ntomp 2 ...
>>   Don't forget to check your simulation performance, there will
>>   be better and worse choices in terms of these decomposition parameters.
>> Happy simulating!
>>  Carsten
>>> On 11 Jan 2017, at 08:33, Qasim Pars <qasimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear users,
>>> I am trying to simulate a protein-ligand system including ~20000 atoms
>> with
>>> waters using GROMACS-2016.1. The protocol I tried is forward state for
>> the
>>> free energy calculation. The best ligand pose used in the simulations was
>>> got by AutoDock. At the beginning of the simulation GROMACS suffers from
>>> domain decomposition error in the energy minimization step:
>>> Fatal error:
>>> There is no domain decomposition for 20 ranks that is compatible with the
>>> given box and a minimum cell size of 1.7353 nm
>>> Change the number of ranks or mdrun option -rdd
>>> Look in the log file for details on the domain decomposition
>>> I checked the complex structure visually. I don't see any distortion in
>> the
>>> structure. To check whether the problem is the number of nodes, I used 16
>>> nodes:
>>> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm em -nt 16
>>> The energy minimization step was completed successfully. For the NVT
>> step I
>>> used 16 nodes again.
>>> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt -nt 16
>>> After ~2000000 steps the system gave too many lincs warning.
>>> Whereas there is no problem with wild type protein when it is simulated
>>> without using -nt 16. These domain decomposition error and lincs warning
>>> arise for complex structure.
>>> By the way to keep the ligand in the active site of protein I use the
>> bond,
>>> angle and dihedral restraints under [ intermolecular_interactions ]
>> section
>>> in the top file.
>>> [ intermolecular_interactions ]
>>> [ bonds ]
>>> 313    17 10     0.294     0.294    10.000      0.000     0.294
>>> 0.294    10.000   4184.000
>>> [ angle_restraints ]
>>> 312   313    17   313          1   140.445      0.000          1
>>> 140.445     41.840          1
>>> 313    17    19    17          1   107.175      0.000          1
>>> 107.175     41.840          1
>>> [ dihedral_restraints ]
>>> 300   312   313    17          1    56.245     0.000      0.000
>>> 56.245     0.000     41.840
>>> 312   313    17    19          1    -3.417     0.000      0.000
>>> -3.417     0.000     41.840
>>> 313    17    19    14          1  -110.822     0.000      0.000
>>> -110.822     0.000     41.840
>>> The mdp file used for the energy minimization is follows:
>>> define              = -DFLEXIBLE
>>> integrator          = steep
>>> nsteps              = 50000
>>> emtol               = 1000.0
>>> emstep              = 0.01
>>> nstcomm             = 100
>>> nstxout-compressed        = 500
>>> compressed-x-precision    = 1000
>>> nstlog                    = 500
>>> nstenergy                 = 500
>>> nstcalcenergy             = 100
>>> ; BONDS
>>> constraints         = none
>>> cutoff-scheme    = verlet
>>> ns-type          = grid
>>> nstlist          = 10
>>> pbc              = xyz
>>> coulombtype      = PME
>>> rcoulomb         = 1.0
>>> ewald_geometry   = 3d
>>> pme-order        = 4
>>> fourierspacing   = 0.12
>>> vdwtype         = Cut-off
>>> vdw_modifier    = Potential-switch
>>> rvdw            = 1.0
>>> rvdw-switch     = 0.9
>>> DispCorr        = EnerPres
>>> free-energy              = yes
>>> init-lambda              = 0
>>> delta-lambda             = 0
>>> sc-alpha                 = 0.3
>>> sc-power                 = 1
>>> sc-sigma                 = 0.25
>>> sc-coul                  = yes
>>> couple-moltype           = ligand
>>> couple-intramol          = no
>>> couple-lambda0           = vdw-q
>>> couple-lambda1           = none
>>> nstdhdl                  = 100
>>> I removed the free energy lines in the em.mdp and [
>>> intermolecular_interactions ] section in the top file but GROMACS still
>>> gives the domain decomposition error for the complex structure.
>>> Will you please give suggestions on getting rid of the lincs warning and
>>> domain decomposition messages?
>>> I would appreciate any kind of help.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Qasim Pars
>>> --
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> -- 
> Qasim Pars
> -- 
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