Aim: Install Gromacs with GPU support in windows 7

Problem: Build step failed in Visual Studio 14 2015, using CMake 3.11 GUI in 

Identified "issues":

  1.  First off, NVIDIA named their default CUDA installation directory in a 
space separated directory. This caused much grief when CMake complains that 
"Check for working NVCC/C compiler combination - broken" and "CUDA compiler 
does not seem to be functional".
     *   The solution was to surround the path with quotes in 
  2.  Visual Studio fails to compile libgromacs (VS complains that it could not 
find ../../lib/gromacs.lib

With regards to (2.), CMake completed the generation of VS build files without 
errors and I tried building it using VS 14 2015 (as specified in my CMake 
generation tool). The steps I took:

  1.  set the build type to Release
  2.  click build all

I also tried compiling Gromacs with the exact same steps, but without GPU 
support, and it went without a hitch.

I therefore suspect that it might be that "path issue" I faced earlier (1.), so 
I tried identifying the first error in VS build and it lead me to 

I copied the commands as-is within the makefile and tried to compile it in VS 
developer command prompt myself.

The error I got was:

 error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue.

My suspicion is that:

  1.  The error "might" be because of a path problem ? (like before)
  2. at line 646 has a syntax error. (maybe)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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