Hello gromacs users,

My goal is to calculate all-atom rmsd of every structure in the 
trajectory(.trr) to the final structure after simulation (.gro).

Q1) So, I don't understand the purpose of giving .tpr input file (which was the 
input structure file before production mdrun) as a structure file in the 

        gmx rms -f peptide.trr -s peptide.tpr -o rmsd.xvg

Q2) When I use final structure .gro file (after production mdrun), I get the 
following warning:

Masses and atomic (Van der Waals) radii will be guessed based on residue and 
atom names, since they could not be definitively assigned from the information 
in your input files.

Please let me know if I am misunderstanding here anything.

Many thanks,

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