
from looking at the output from make check it looks like this is harmless. The tests simply took longer than the internally set cut-off of 30 seconds. If you are unsure about the build, you can run the test binary manually from the build directory with (./gmxpreprocess-test in the same directory where you can find the gmx binary).
Then it won't use the cut-off and will take as much time as it will need.



On 20/05/2019 16:26, Nelson Chris AWE wrote:
Hi All,
I've built gromacs on an Intel x86_64 server with GCC 7.2.0 and OpenMPI

When I run make check, I get a failure on test 29:

29 - GmxPreprocessTests (Timeout)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Links to output files:

   1.  Build environment 
(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tBs6scDqR_gJLtBRzpxMSEdbWwxYR5ks )
   2.  Build output 
(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PQFllv49M-Op6HLtdKsRJfwHbFeEsint )
   3.  Dependency list 
(https://drive.google.com/open?id=13rETIX_ejMs1DPBGcTdsQfWKeYFNwd7T )
   4.  Make checkout output 
(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YpAEbPSj0eEe2JERbL6OIc49Gd5e57a1 )
   5.  mdrun - version output 
(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qu44Mk_aLz3d65YldDKo5mMtvJVyvb6D )

Kind regards,

Christopher J. Nelson
High Performance Computing
Direct: +44(0)118 98 55021
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England and Wales Registration No 02763902 AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 4PR

Paul Bauer, PhD
GROMACS Release Manager
KTH Stockholm, SciLifeLab

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