On 10/3/19 10:27 PM, Adip Jhaveri wrote:
Hello all,
I am simulating a system of two proteins in solution. For the simulation I
has specified (in the .mdp file) energygrps as : Protein W_ION.

Now in the output energy file, these energy groups are separated only for
the Columbic and LJ interactions: For e.g. (Columbic : Protein-Protein),
(Columbic Protein - W_ION). Is it possible to get a similar
decomposition for the bonded energy terms? (Like Bond: Protein, G96Angle:

energygrps decompose short-range nonbonded terms, so no. The only way to get such terms is to make a .tpr containing only the species of interest and a corresponding .xtc/.trr and use mdrun -rerun to get the energies.

Also, is it possible during post-processing to get energies for a different
group like for each individual protein (e.g Protein_A) or would I have to
run the simulation again with different energy groups?

Use mdrun -rerun as stated above.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Office: 301 Fralin Hall
Lab: 303 Engel Hall

Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
340 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061

jalem...@vt.edu | (540) 231-3129


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