Dear all,

By using the editconf command, we can build a box for the protein molecule, for 

     gmx editconf -f complex.gro -o newbox.gro -c -d 1.2 -bt cubic  

but how to rotate the molecule in the box? I tried to use "-rotate" option of 
the editconf command to do so, but I found part of the molecule goes out the 
pbc box after rotation. Please refer to the image at the following link:

The molecule was orignally at position 1. I wanted to rotate the molecule 
around x and y axes by 45 degrees. After I ran the following command:

    gmx editconf -f newbox.gro -rotate 45 45 0 -bt o -o newbpx_1.gro

The molecule went to position 2. You can see part of the molecule are now out 
of the box. 

Do you know how to rotate the molecule but keep it within the box?

Thank you in advance.

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