Hi Navneet,

This is achieved by setting the installation directory with cmake for the 
respective source code that you downloaded, then sourcing different GMXRC.

Install different GROMACS builds fromt the source code into seperate folders 
using something like


and for another version



"source /home/navneet/local/gromacs-2020/bin/GMXRC"

will give you GROMACS 2020, while

"source /home/navneet/local/gromacs-2019.6/bin/GMXRC"

will give you GROMACS2019.6.



On 2020-02-17 15:15, Navneet Kumar wrote:
Hello Everyone!

I have currently installed GROMACS 2018.8 and using it. But for some of my
previous work, I want to use the older version of GROMACS i.e 5.x.
I have installed the GROMACS using this method

everytime when I use GROMACS I start with command-
"source /usr/local/gromacs/bin/GMXRC"
How can I install some other version of gromacs and use simultaneously?

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