Dear Daniel,

I thought the underscores in the processed.gro file are necessary in order to 
mark the hot atoms and am not sure if all atoms are recognised as cold atoms 
when deleting the underscores. 



> Am 01.04.2020 um 19:10 schrieb Daniel Burns <>:
> I haven't had an error from the underscore myself but I haven't been using
> the Amber force field.  Maybe you could try deleting the underscores on the
> input .top files since the plumed script has already scaled them.  The
> atomtype might be recognized then.
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:25 AM Joseph, Benjamin Philipp <
>>> wrote:
>> Dear members of the gromacs mailing list,
>> I have problems setting up REST2 (replica exchange with solute tempering)
>> calculations. The version of PLUMED with GROMACS I use is
>> GROMACS/2018.3-plumed and the forcefield I am using is
>> amber14sb_parmbsc1.ff. The error occurs when I try to set up the different
>> files for the different replicas after having performed the
>> minimisation, simulated annealing, NVT, NPT and 100 ns production MD. I get
>> the following error message:
>> ––––––––––––––––––––
>> GROMACS:      gmx grompp, version 2018.3
>> Executable:
>> /usr/local/software/jureca/Stages/Devel-2018b/software/GROMACS/2018.3-intel-para-2018b-plumed/bin/gmx_mpi
>> Data prefix:
>> /usr/local/software/jureca/Stages/Devel-2018b/software/GROMACS/2018.3-intel-para-2018b-plumed
>> Working dir:  /p/scratch/cias-5/joseph1/new/S_1/sys1/neu
>> Command line:
>>  gmx_mpi grompp -maxwarn 2 -o topol1.tpr -c sa.gro -f md.mdp -p
>> Ignoring obsolete mdp entry 'title'
>> Setting the LD random seed to -1452668066
>> WARNING 1 [file, line 95]:
>>  Too few parameters on line (source file
>> /dev/shm/swmanage/GROMACS/2018.3/intel-para-2018b-plumed/gromacs-2018.3/src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/toppush.cpp,
>> line 345)
>> WARNING 2 [file, line 97]:
>>  Too few parameters on line (source file
>> /dev/shm/swmanage/GROMACS/2018.3/intel-para-2018b-plumed/gromacs-2018.3/src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/toppush.cpp,
>> line 345)
>> Generated 14878 of the 14878 non-bonded parameter combinations
>> Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
>> Generated 14878 of the 14878 1-4 parameter combinations
>> ERROR 1 [file, line 1813]:
>>  Atomtype 3C_ not found
>> _
>> ––––––––––––––––––––
>> The script I use to generate the topol and tpr files is the following:
>> ––––––––––––––––––––
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #16 replicas
>> nrep=16
>> # "effective" temperature range
>> tmin=287
>> tmax=400
>> # build geometric progression
>> list=$(
>> awk -v n=$nrep \
>>    -v tmin=$tmin \
>>    -v tmax=$tmax \
>>  'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<n;i++){
>>    t=tmin*exp(i*log(tmax/tmin)/(n-1));
>>    printf(t); if(i<n-1)printf(",");
>>  }
>> }'
>> )
>> # clean directory
>> rm -fr \#*
>> rm -fr topol*
>> for((i=0;i<nrep;i++))
>> do
>> # choose lambda as T[0]/T[i]
>> # remember that high temperature is equivalent to low lambda
>>  lambda=$(echo $list | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}{print $1/$'$((i+1))';}')
>> # process topology
>> # (if you are curious, try "diff" to see the changes)
>>  plumed partial_tempering $lambda < > topol$
>> # prepare tpr file
>> # -maxwarn is often needed because box could be charged
>> gmx_mpi grompp -maxwarn 2 -o topol$i.tpr -c md.gro -f md.mdp -p topol$
>> done
>> ––––––––––––––––––––
>> I think that the problem might be that PLUMED does not support the force
>> field I am using. Using AMBER99SB-ILDN, nucleic AMBER 94 I did not have
>> these issues (using the same script). Do you have any suggestions what
>> could be the problem here? Thanks a lot!
>> Best,
>> Benjamin Joseph
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