My original response to IDR and opsawg missed this thread on grow.

I believe most of my concerns are covered in this thread and I don't require
a separate answer. :-)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 04:58:32PM +0800, wrote:
> Thank you for you opinion. The extended and large communities will be 
> considered after the adoption and according to the working group consensus.

FWIW, I agree with your assessment that extended communities are less likely
to be important to your use case. However, large communities will very
quickly become just as important.

> Please see the appendix  in the draft for the example. 
> bgpDestinationCommunityList is a basicList of bgpCommunity.
> If you don't like the BGP communities according to the source IP of a 
> specific flow, you can indicate it in the templete, i.e. do not specify 
> bgpSourceCommunityList IE in the templete set. Then the exporter will not 
> export the information. 

I do believe you'll need to figure out what to do about overflow of too many
communities.  As suggested in my other response, please consider
prioritizing the inclusion of the well-known communities.

> bgpSourceCommunityList does have values in some network environments. For 
> example,  the overalll network of China Mobile consists of a backbone network 
> and several province networks. Each component network is configured with a 
> few communities. BGP anounces those communities among the component networks. 
> When one province wants to know where (i.e. from which provinces) its 
> incoming traffic comes from, it can use bgpSourceCommunityList.

However, this still causes you difficulty for BGP multipath scenarios.

-- Jeff

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