We have scattered examples, but right now the examples have somewhat 
diverged from current best practices.  The blocking API is mostly for 
convenience, but you will get more fine grained performance from the Async 

On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 4:28:06 PM UTC-7, Avinash Dongre wrote:
> Thanks Carl,
> Is there any example for the same ?
> Thanks
> Avinash
> On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 11:47:06 PM UTC+5:30, Carl Mastrangelo 
> wrote:
>> You need to provide your on Executor in NettyServerBuilder.  The default 
>> is a cached threadpool which spawns threads too quickly under load.
>> Also, you are using the blocking client API, which won't be as fast as 
>> the Async API.  You should only create one channel, and reuse it.  Also, 
>> the Channel needs its own threadpool too.
>> On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:59:58 AM UTC-7, Avinash Dongre wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I am trying to see if I can use this framework in my project. I need to 
>>> know what should be my GRPC Server configuration to achieve low latency and 
>>> high throughput.
>>> This is how I am starting a GRPC which is embedded in another Java 
>>> Process.
>>> I am not doing anything on the server side, and when I call this method 
>>> for 1000000 times. I am getting 
>>> *Took 167 Seconds 167085714844 NanoSeconds*
>>> This is certainly high, but I am sure I am doing something wrong in 
>>> configuring gRPC Server, Please help.
>>> private void startGRPCService(GemFireCacheImpl cache) {
>>>   int port = system.getConfig().getRpcPort();
>>>   if ( this.isServerNode()  && port != 0) {
>>>     try {
>>>       gRPCServer = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(port)
>>>           .addService(new MTableServiceImpl())
>>>           .channelType(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
>>>           .build()
>>>           .start();
>>>     } catch (IOException e) {
>>>       e.printStackTrace();
>>>     }
>>>     logger.info("GRPC Server started, listening on " + port);
>>>     Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
>>>       @Override
>>>       public void run() {
>>>         // Use stderr here since the logger may have been reset by its JVM 
>>> shutdown hook.
>>>         System.err.println("*** shutting down gRPC server since JVM is 
>>> shutting down");
>>>         this.stopGRPCServer();
>>>         System.err.println("*** server shut down");
>>>       }
>>>     });
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Service is implemented as follows, It does nothing but just returns a a 
>>> status.
>>> public class MyServiceImpl extends MyServiceGrpc.MyServiceImplBase {
>>>   private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
>>>   @Override
>>>   public void tablePut(PutMessage request, StreamObserver<PutMessageReply> 
>>> responseObserver) {
>>>     PutMessageReply reply = 
>>> PutMessageReply.newBuilder().setStatus(PutMessageReply.OpStatus.SUCCESS).build();
>>>     responseObserver.onNext(reply);
>>>     responseObserver.onCompleted();
>>>   }
>>> Client is implemented as follows
>>> public class TableServiceClient {
>>>   private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
>>>   public static TableServiceClient INSTANCE = new TableServiceClient();
>>>   private Map<ServerLocation, TableServiceGrpc.TableServiceBlockingStub> 
>>> grpcConnectionMap = new HashMap<>();
>>>   private Random r = new Random();
>>>   private List<TableServiceGrpc.TableServiceBlockingStub> valuesList;
>>>   private int numberOfServers = 0;
>>>   private PutMessage.Builder putMessageBuilder = MPutMessage.newBuilder();
>>>   public TableServiceClient() {
>>>     this.valuesList = new ArrayList<>(grpcConnectionMap.values());
>>>     this.numberOfServers = valuesList.size();
>>>   }
>>>   private TableServiceGrpc.TableServiceBlockingStub getApplicableChannel() {
>>>     return this.valuesList.get(r.nextInt(this.numberOfServers));
>>>   }
>>>   public void put(final String tableName, MPut put, List<Integer> 
>>> columnPositions, byte[] value,)
>>>  {
>>>     TableServiceGrpc.TableServiceBlockingStub channel = 
>>> getApplicableChannel();
>>>         this.putMessageBuilder.setKey(ByteString.copyFrom(put.getRowKey()))
>>>         .setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(value))
>>>         .setTableName(tableName);
>>>     for (Integer position : columnPositions) {
>>>       this.putMessageBuilder.addColumnPositions(position);
>>>     }
>>>     MPutMessage putMessage = this.putMessageBuilder.build();
>>>     MPutMessageReply response;
>>>     try {
>>>       response = channel.tablePut(putMessage);
>>>     } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
>>>       logger.warn("RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());
>>>       return;
>>>     }
>>>     this.putMessageBuilder.clear();
>>>     PutMessageReply.OpStatus status = response.getStatus();
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Thanks
>>> Avinash

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