On the client, the CloseSend method is "half-closing" the stream. So it
closes the request/upload half of the stream. The stream remains open until
the server closes the other half: the response/download part of the stream.
Cancelling the stream also closes it (as would the channel being
disconnected or the call timing out).


Josh Humphries

FullStory <https://www.fullstory.com/>  |  Atlanta, GA

Software Engineer


On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Michael Bond <kemperbond...@gmail.com>

> Hey, trying to make sure I'm doing this correctly.
> Right now I'm having issues with closing streams started with a context
> that is passed around and exists for quite awhile.
> In this example "ctx" is passed around to many go routines, I want to keep
> "ctx" around but passing it to "grpcStream" seems to keep the stream from
> actually closing. What I did below fixed the issue but I wanted to know if
> it is needed to pass a child context and cancel it for the stream to
> actually close. Is CloseSend() not sufficient if the context is still alive?
> log.Println("stream starting")
> streamCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
> defer cancel()
> stream, err := grpcStream(streamCtx, otherArgs)
> if err != nil {
>     errCh <- err
>     return
> }
> defer stream.CloseSend()
> defer log.Println("closing stream")
> Thanks!
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