On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:32 AM, Amit Saha <amitsaha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Digging up this thread.

This thread was just shy of a year old. It would have been better to start
another thread and just reference this one with a link.

I guess you are suggesting, that a "client" program (which may be composed
> of multiple worker threads/processes) should only have a single channel for
> each gRPC backend it wants to talk to. This channel remains "open" during
> the lifetime of the client.

Yeah, although saying a channel is "open" (I assume vs closed/shutdown)
isn't saying much. A Channel may be "operational" without having any active
connections (it'll just create one on demand).

Also, I understand that in some applications it can be hard to 1) know
whether you'll told to a particular backend again and 2) coordinate sharing
a Channel. It's okay to use multiple Channels. But if you can use a single
Channel, try to do.

This backend is of course being connected to via a LB/proxy.

In the earlier conversation it would have been via client-side load
balancing logic. gRPC provides an API for replacing the client-side load
balancer. I was suggesting "inside" the channel via that API is the best
place for this sort of logic instead of "outside" via creating multiple
Channels. But it's also pretty tangential; few users should have to worry
about it.

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