
Thank you for the detailed information. Can you explain how a message is 
passed through the thread pools in the opposite direction (when 
StreamObserver#onNext(Message) is called)? 

Suppose we have a publish/subscribe application. A client subscribes for a 
topic. On the server the StreamObserver instance is cached, thus for each 
topic there are multiple StreamObserver instances. When an update for a 
topic arrives, the associated StreamObserver instances are iterated and for 
each of them #onNext(message) is called. Does #onNext(Message) blocks until 
the message is transferred to the client or it is queue somewhere in the 
network thread? Can a slower connection to a specific client influence the 
communication to other clients if the StreamObservers are iterated 
sequentially. If this is the case, then maybe a separate thread pool should 
be used, where each thread is associated with a single StreamObserver and 
calls its #onNext(Message) method?


вторник, 3 октомври 2017 г., 23:56:11 UTC+3, Carl Mastrangelo написа:
> There are three main threadpools that gRPC Java uses in Server mode:
> * Boss Event Loop Group  (a.k.a. bossEventLoopGroup() )
> * Worker Event Loop Group ( a.k.a. workerEventLoopGroup() )
> * Application Executor (a.k.a. executor() )
> The Boss group can be the same as the worker group.  It's purpose is to 
> accept calls from the network, and create Netty channels (not gRPC 
> Channels) to handle the socket.   Effectively, this is the thread pool that 
> calls listen() and accept().   
> Once the Netty channel has been created it gets passes to the Worker Event 
> Loop Group.  This is the threadpool dedicating to doing socket read() and 
> write() calls.  This is often called the "network thread".   In addition to 
> doing the direct reads and writes, it can also do small amounts of 
> processing, such as turn a collection of bytes into an HTTP/2 request, or 
> do SSL / TLS encryption.  The main thing to know about this group is that 
> it must never block.  That is, it cannot call wait(), or sleep(), or await 
> results from a Future, or things like that.  The reason is that doing this 
> prevents the worker thread (the "event loop") from servicing other requests.
> The last thread group is the application executor, also called the "app 
> thread".  This is where the gRPC stubs do their main work.  It is for 
> handling the callbacks that bubble up from the network thread.  For 
> example, when a packet comes in, the worker thread decrypts it, decodes the 
> HTTP/2 code, and then notifies the app thread that data has arrived.  It 
> immediately goes back to doing other network work.  The App thread notices 
> that there is data available, and converts the data into (usually) a 
> Protobuf, and then invokes your stub.   
> Note that the Application executor could have no threads at all.  This 
> would make the network thread immediately do the work of handling the 
> request.   On the builder this is the directExecutor() function.   The 
> reason for using this is that it saves a thread hop from worker event loop 
> to the app thread, or about 15 microseconds.  In very latency sensitive 
> environments this is a good idea.  However, it makes it very easy to 
> accidentally do blocking work, which is deadlock prone.   It is rarely 
> correct to do.
> As for usages:   Most people should use either reuse the same boss event 
> loop group as the worker group.   Barring this, the boss eventloop group 
> should be a single thread, since it does very little work.  For the app 
> thread, users should provide a fixed size thread pool.  By default, we use 
> an unbounded cached threadpool, but this is just for safety.  It is not the 
> most efficient, and can be dangerous in some circumstances.  It just 
> happens to be the safest default, given no other information.       
> On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 12:43:30 PM UTC-7, Pierre wrote:
>> Hello,
>> What is the difference between setting an executor(Threadpool) and 
>> setting a workerEventLoopGroup(EventLoopThreadPool) on NettyServerBuilder.
>> If I understand, all the IO operations (accept connexions, read/send 
>> packet...) are done by the bossEventLoopGroup thread.
>> But what about the RPC call themself ? Are they done by executor 
>> threadpool or workerEventLoop threads ?

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